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Revision as of 16:38, 29 June 2024 by Lou Montana (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Nelis.75733126" to "Nelis75733126")
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Commits control animation to last specified duration.
The duration of the animation is not guaranteed to be exactly the same as the given time.
GUI Control


control ctrlCommit time
control: Control - control to animate
time: Number - animation duration
Return Value:


Example 1:
_control ctrlCommit 2; // make animation last approx. 2 seconds

Additional Information

See also:
ctrlCommitted ctrlSetPosition ctrlSetFade


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Nelis75733126 - c
Posted on Apr 11, 2015 - 23:06 (UTC)
2024-04-16 edit:: ctrlCommit is required to apply the effect of, for example, ctrlSetFade.
Demellion - c
Posted on Aug 28, 2017 - 11:33 (UTC)
The resulting speed might not to be exactly what ctrlCommit commands it to be. It seems to be dependent on your current framerate. Example:
_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0.5; _ctrl ctrlCommit 1;
Will actually result in:
FPS Duration
60+ ~1.0s
~30 ~1.2s
10- ~5-10s

This phenomenon probably occurs because of engine time simulation disruption caused by performance damage.