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- Description:
- Returns array of arrays of all unit's or vehicle's magazines with extended information about them. The magazines returned are for primary gunner. If you need magazines for all turrets, see magazinesAllTurrets.
- Groups:
- Unit InventoryVehicle Inventory
- Syntax:
- magazinesAmmoFull entity
- Parameters:
- entity: Object - unit or vehicle
- Return Value:
- Array of Arrays in format:
- String: magazine class name
- Number: magazine ammo count
- Boolean: is magazine loaded
- Number: magazine type:
- -1 = n/a (default if magazine is not loaded)
- 0 - grenade
- 1 - primary weapon mag
- 2 - handgun mag
- 4 - secondary weapon mag
- 4096 - binocular weapon mag
- 65536 - vehicle mag
- String: magazine location: "Vest", "Uniform", "Backpack", "" or currentMuzzle if the magazine is loaded
2.08 Number: magazine id, starts with 10000000; use toFixed 0; to see this number in a human readable format
2.08 Number: magazine creator
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- magazinesAmmoFull [vehicle, includeEmpty]
- Parameters:
- vehicle: Object - unit or vehicle
- includeEmpty: Boolean - (Optional, default false) true to include empty magazines
- Return Value:
- same as Primary Syntax
- Example 1:
- toFixed 0; magazinesAmmoFull player; /* [ ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,false,-1,"Uniform",10000003,0], ["Chemlight_green",1,true,0,"ChemlightGreenMuzzle",10000016,0], ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,false,-1,"Vest",10000008,0], ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,false,-1,"Vest",10000009,0], ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,false,-1,"Vest",10000010,0], ["HandGrenade",1,true,0,"HandGrenadeMuzzle",10000018,0], ["HandGrenade",1,false,-1,"Vest",10000019,0], ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,true,1,"arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F",10000001,0], ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",16,true,2,"hgun_P07_F",10000011,0] ] */
- Example 2:
- toFixed 0; magazinesAmmoFull Mi_48; /* [ ["250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Green",250,true,65536,"HE",10000043,0], ["250Rnd_30mm_APDS_shells_Tracer_Green",250,true,65536,"AP",10000044,0], ["Laserbatteries",1,true,65536,"Laserdesignator_mounted",10000045,0], ["PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel",4,false,-1,"",10000049,0], ["PylonRack_19Rnd_Rocket_Skyfire",19,false,-1,"",10000051,0], ["PylonRack_19Rnd_Rocket_Skyfire",19,false,-1,"",10000052,0], ["PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel",4,false,-1,"",10000053,0] ] */
Additional Information
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- Posted on Dec 20, 2014 - 14:40 (UTC)
When used on vehicles this will only return all magazines associated with a single turretPath (which one depends on the actual armament of the vehicle, usually the first armed turretPath or alternatively turretPath [-1]).
If you want to get all turrets' magazines, use allTurrets and magazinesTurret.
- Posted on Feb 10, 2015 - 04:40 (UTC)
As Actium said, this function seems to extract data from:
Some vehicles return an empty field {} because magazines are in straight in:
This is the case of WY-55 Hellcat. This function returns an empty array.configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _the_vehicle_you_want >> "magazines" // often dedicated to flares only