From Arma 3 Tools to Workbench – Arma Reforger

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Arma 3 Tools Launcher

This page offers an equivalence table between Arma 3 Tools and Workbench, the new Enfusion Tools suite.

Equivalences are not always possible nor entirely accurate, as some functionalities do not have a perfect match, if any.

Arma 3 Tool Function Workbench equivalent
Addon Builder Addon packing Resource Manager: Pack Project
Binarize Addon binarisation Resource Manager: Import (model)
BinMake Addon binarisation Resource Manager: Pack Project
CfgConvert Config binarisation Resource Manager: Pack Project
Sound Tools Audio file conversion Resource Manager: Import (audio)
ImageToPAA Image file conversion Resource Manager: Import (image)
FontToTga Font conversion Resource Manager: Font Viewport
FBX to RTM Animation conversion Animation Editor
Object Builder 3D modelisation External Editor + Resource Manager / World Editor
Terrain Builder Terrain generation World Editor
Game Updater devBranch updater N/A
FSM Editor AI editor Behavior Editor
Publisher Content publisher Resource Manager: Publish Project
Terrain Processor Terrain object population World Editor
TexView 2 Texture importer/viewer Resource Manager: Import (image), Image Viewport