P3D Model Info

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Model Info

The Model Info structure is last in file for ODOL7 (ofp) and at top of file for ODOL4x (ARMAx)

  float      LodTypes[Header.NoOfLods];// alias resolutions
  ulong      Index;                    // appears to be a bit flag, 512, 256 eg
  float      MemLodSphere;
  float      GeoLodSphere;             // mostly same as MemLodSphere
  ulong      PointFlags[3];            // typically 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 eg (last is same as user point flags)
  XYZTriplet Offset1;                   // model offset (unknown functionality),//mostly same as offset2
  ulong      mapIconColor;             // RGBA 32 color
  ulong      mapSelectedColor;         // RGBA 32 color
  float      ViewDensity;              //-1 -> default shape values will be used (default value)  / 0 -> opaque / 1 -> transparent (DO NOT add this to an opaque object)
  XYZTriplet bboxMinPosition;          // minimum coordinates of bounding box
  XYZTriplet bboxMaxPosition;          // maximum coordinates of bounding box. Generally the complement of the 1st
                                       // pew.GeometryBounds in Pew is bboxMinPosition-bboxMaxPosition for X and Z
                                       // pew.ResolutionBounds mostly the same
  XYZTriplet CentreOfGravity;          // pew.GeometryAutoCenterPos (and mostly pew.ResolutionAutoCenterPos too)
  XYZTriplet Offset2;                  // mostly same as Offset1 often same as CentreOfGravity (but it isn't ResolutionPos)
  XYZTriplet CogOffset;                // see below
  XYZTriplet ModelMassVectors[3];      // for ODOL7 this is a mixture of floats and index values
  //// if Arma3 /////////////////
  byte       ThermalProfile2[24];
  TinyBool   AutoCenter,
  ///////////ARMA/VBS2 ////////////
  bytes      UnknownARMAFlags[6];      //
  byte       ThermalProfile[24];       // 
  ulong      UnknownLong;              // V48 and beyond
  byte       ThermalProfile2[24];      // TOH only (v52) see above for arma3
  Skeleton   Skeleton;                 //
  byte       UnknownByte;
  ulong      nFloats;                  // always zero for arma
  float      UnknownFloats[nFloats];   // potentially compressed
  float      Mass;
  float      MassReciprocal;           // see note
  float      AltMass;                  // see note
  float      AltMassReciprocal;        // see note
  byte       UnknownByteIndices[14]    // see note generally FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
  byte       UnknownByteIndices[12]    // see note generally FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
  ///////////ARMA (V4x) ONLY ////////////
  ulong      UnknownLong;              // often same as NoOfLods
  TinyBool   UnknownBool;              // generally set if ascii below has strings
  asciiz     ClassType;                // class="House" See Named Properties
  asciiz     DestructType;             // damage="Tent" See Named Properties
  TinyBool   UnknownBool2;             // rarely true
  ulong      Always0;                  //
  byte       DefaultIndicators[NoOfLods][12]; //generally FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF


Coordinates in odols are expressed relative to this value.


MLOD Points[Any] = ODOL Points[Any] + CentreOfGravity
  • RawCentreOfGravity is calculated from the mlod geometry lod
  • Asymetrical BoundingBox values are calculated from the TotalMin and TotalMax of all points in all lods (of the mlod).
  • The odol's CentreOfGravity, bounding box and CogOffset are calculated as follows
// convert mlod to odol relative 

TotalMin-=RawCentreOfGravity; //asymetrical bounding box

//turn asymetrical to symetrical
BoundingBoxMin=-BoundingBoxMax; // this *is* the odol bbox expressed in relative units
CogOffset= BoundingBoxMax-TotalMax+RawCentreOfGravity;// *the* odol CogOffset

CentreOfGravity-=CogOffset;//*the* odol cog
  • Pew files make use of this information to build p3d model templates. For odol p3d's the information is stored as above, for mlods, it is calculated as above


The 24 byte area after the mass float is, as represented, in the supplied, 'official', addons from Bis for ALL game engines.

For V7:

  • MOST oem addons subscribe to above.
  • SOME oem addons, notably those from VTE, and any with optics, have a varying amount of data after the Mass float. Some less than 24, some, a lot more than 24. CLearly this area needs further work. The models themselves are unlikely to be faulty, and were generated by O2L. There is nothing in previous data structures that would suggest appended or truncated data. Perhaps, like it is MLOD-SP3X equivalent, it has a default file size, and anything 'extra', is tested for.

Odol Explorer

Note that odol explorer from Dschulle reverses -24 bytes from end of file to 'get at' the Mass float. This because at the time, the compressed float array was not understood.

For trunctated data (Odol7 files < 24 bytes) this will clearly be faulty. For excessive files, OdolEX may well indeed be right.


   asciiz                    SkeletonName;  //"A10Skeleton"
   if (SkeletonName != null)
     tbool                   isInherited;
     ulong                   NoOfBoneNames;
     SkeletonBoneName        SkeletonBoneNames[NoOfBoneNames];
     if (type>40 && ! VBS2) // ie arma2
     byte                    Always0;


   asciiz BoneName;            //"3dhud" or "Gearlocks" or "Fuel" or ...
   asciiz ParentBoneName;      // "Aeileron_1"

corresponds to model.cfg

 class cfgSkeletons
	class SkeletonClassname : Default


LodTypes are resolutions. Most of them have humanly readable context such as the 'memory' lod. And are selected as such in Oxygen. The are consequently referred to here as 'LodTypes', since the floating point values, although relevant to the engine, are not as immediately apparent to a human.

In this list. there is, undoubtedly, some meaning to the apparent random order of lod types (the order of resolutions). It could simply be 'as presented', 'as discovered', or 'as first created' in O2. It could be something much deeper, res lods followed by geo lods, stencil lods, and etc.

The order is irrelevant to the structure of the file (and probably irrelevant to the engine as well).

The LodTypes array is used in conjunction with the start and ending LodAddressOffsets mentioned above.

Whatever resolution is in LodType[0] THAT LOD will be found at the offsets contained in startaddress[0].

and so on.

In other words, we have a fast indexing service. If the engine is only interested in, or needs to render, shadow lods, it looks for shadow lods (if any) in the list, and 'jumps' to that lod, rather than scanning the entire file.

Resolution Values

Hex Float Decimal Description
<1,000 Graphical Lod
Functional Lods
0x447a0000 1.0e3 1,000 View Gunner
0x44898000 1.1e3 1,100 View Pilot
0x44960000 1.2e3 1,200 View Cargo
"" "" Shadow Lods
0x461c4000 1.0e4 10,000 Shadow Volume
0x461c6800 1.001e4 10,010 Shadow Volume 2
0x462be000 1.1e4 11000 Stencil Shadow
0x462c0800 1.101e4 11010 Stencil Shadow 2
0x551184e7 1.0e13 10,000,000,000,000 Geometry
0x58635fa9 1.0e15 1,000,000,000,000,000 Memory
0x58e35fa9 2.0e15 2,000,000,000,000,000 Land Contact
0x592a87bf 3.0e15 3,000,000,000,000,000 Roadway
0x59635fa9 4.0e15 4,000,000,000,000,000 Paths
0x598e1bca 5.0e15 5,000,000,000,000,000 HitPoints
0x59aa87bf 6.0e15 6,000,000,000,000,000 View Geometry
0x59c6f3b4 7.0e15 7,000,000,000,000,000 Fire Geometry
0x59e35fa9 8.0e15 8,000,000,000,000,000 View Cargo Geometry
0x59ffcb9e 9.0e15 9,000,000,000,000,000 View Cargo Fire Geometry
0x5a0e1bca 1.0e16 10,000,000,000,000,000 View Commander
0x5a1c51c4 1.1e16 11,000,000,000,000,000 View Commander Geometry
0x5a2a87bf 1.2e16 12,000,000,000,000,000 View Commander Fire Geometry
0x5a38bdb9 1.3e16 13,000,000,000,000,000 View Pilot Geometry
0x5a46f3b4 1.4e16 14,000,000,000,000,000 View Pilot Fire Geometry
0x5a5529af 1.5e16 15,000,000,000,000,000 View Gunner Geometry
0x5a635fa9 1.6e16 16,000,000,000,000,000 View Gunner Fire Geometry
0x5a7195a4 1.7e16 17,000,000,000,000,000 Sub Parts
0x5a7fcb9e 1.8e16 18,000,000,000,000,000 SHADOW_VOLUME_VIEW_CARGO
0x5a8700cc 1.9e16 19,000,000,000,000,000 SHADOW_VOLUME_VIEW_PILOT
0x5a8e1bca 2.0e16 20,000,000,000,000,000 SHADOW_VOLUME_VIEW_GUNNER
0x5a9536c7 2.1e16 21,000,000,000,000,000 WRECK

If the value is below 1000.0, then the LOD is supposed to be a graphical LOD. If the value equals or is above 10000.0 and is not one of the functional LODs, it is a shadow LOD.

The LOD selected for displaying if

DistanceToObject * LODCoef * M <= LODResolution 


  • LODCoef is value from OFP preferences (I have LODCoef = 0.019).
  • M is some value that changed by OFP developers (I use M=1 in WRPEdit and M=2 in P3DEdit).

Related Page(s)

Model File Formats