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This information is obsolete. Reason: Use ctrlAddEventHandler instead.

Set the action of a control of the currently active user dialog. The script statement is executed on button release and _this is available, but contains ""; See Arma: GUI Configuration for more information about user dialogs. Works with:

GUI Control


buttonSetAction [idc, action]
idc: Number - button IDC
action: String - SQS code body that should be executed when the button/active text is clicked
Return Value:

Alternative Syntax

control buttonSetAction action
control: Control - button control
action: String - SQS code body that should be executed when the button/active text is clicked
Return Value:


Example 1:
buttonSetAction [100, "player exec ""reply.sqs"""];
Example 2:
_ctrl buttonSetAction "if (alive bob) then {hint 'alive'} else {hint 'dead'}"; // SQF but SQS compatible, see SQS
Example 3:
Script is SQS:
_control buttonSetAction "hint format ['Is SQS: %1', !isNil '_time']"

Additional Information

See also:


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Kungtotte - c
Posted on Oct 05, 2009 - 16:23 (UTC)
When using buttonSetAction for an ActiveText control from a script, you cannot use any variables local to the script in it.
/* This will print 'any bar' in the hint box, since _foo has no value according to buttonSetAction */ _foo = "foo"; buttonSetAction [100, "hint format [""%1 bar"", _foo];"];
Molaron - c
Posted on Feb 15, 2016 - 10:15 (UTC)
This command does not overwrite the button's action that was set via "action" in the .hpp of the dialog.
Nomisum - c
Posted on Jun 11, 2016 - 19:24 (UTC)
To use variables local to the defining script, a syntax like the one below needs to be used:
_foo = "foo"; buttonSetAction [100, format ["hint '%1 bar'", _foo]];
works! thanks to Kronzky for commenting this workaround in the VBS wiki