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Returns indices of positions that are within the provided area.
Unlike inAreaArray, all positions sent to this command are treated as PositionASL but the center as PositionAGL.
Since Arma 3 logo black.png2.20 this command is fully compatible with inAreaArray, i.e by default all positions given as Array or as objects are treated as PositionAGL. There is also an option to force them to PositionWorld format.

Syntax 1

positions inAreaArrayIndexes area
positions: Array of Objects and/or Positions
area: Object, Location or String - the defined area:
Return Value:
Array: Numbers - indexes of matched positions in positions array

Syntax 2

positions inAreaArrayIndexes [centre, a, b, angle, isRectangle, c, usePosWorld]
positions: Array - Objects and/or Positions to check (see note in description)
centre: Array - Position Object or Group (see note in description)
a: Number - x axis (x / 2)
b: Number - y axis (y / 2)
angle: Number - (Optional, default 0) rotation angle
isRectangle: Boolean - (Optional, default false) true if rectangle, false if ellipse
c: Number - (Optional, default -1: unlimited) z axis (z / 2)
since Arma 3 logo black.png2.20
usePosWorld: Boolean - (Optional, default false) set to true to treat all positions as PositionWorld
Return Value:
Array: Numbers - indexes of matched positions in positions array

Syntax 3

positions inAreaArrayIndexes [pos1, pos2, pos3,...]
positions: Array - Objects and/or Positions to check.
posN: Position - polygon vertices in 2d or 3d format (see inPolygon)
Return Value:
Array: Numbers - indexes of matched positions in positions array


Example 1:
private _players = call BIS_fnc_listPlayers; private _indices = _players inAreaArrayIndexes _marker; { private _player = _players select _x; ["You are in the marker!"] remoteExec ["hint", _player]; } forEach _indices;

Additional Information

See also:
inAreaArray inArea triggerArea


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