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- Description:
Displays given font in various different sizes. The fontID is the index of the font in configFile >> "CfgFontFamilies".
Fonts for2.00:
- LucidaConsoleB
- TahomaB
- EtelkaMonospacePro
- LCD14
- EtelkaMonospaceProBold
- EtelkaNarrowMediumPro
- PuristaBold
- PuristaLight
- PuristaMedium
- PuristaSemibold
- RobotoCondensed
- RobotoCondensedBold
- RobotoCondensedLight
- Caveat
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Eden Editor
- Syntax:
- fontID call BIS_fnc_3DENDiagFonts
- Parameters:
- fontID: Number
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
Additional Information
- See also:
- Eden Editor BIS_fnc_3DENCamera BIS_fnc_3DENControlsHint BIS_fnc_3DENDiagCreateList BIS_fnc_3DENDiagMouseControl BIS_fnc_3DENDrawLocations BIS_fnc_3DENEntityMenu BIS_fnc_3DENExportAttributes BIS_fnc_3DENExportOldSQM BIS_fnc_3DENExportTerrainBuilder BIS_fnc_3DENFlashlight BIS_fnc_3DENGrid BIS_fnc_3DENIntel BIS_fnc_3DENInterface BIS_fnc_3DENListLocations BIS_fnc_3DENMissionPreview BIS_fnc_3DENModuleDescription BIS_fnc_3DENShowMessage BIS_fnc_3DENStatusBar BIS_fnc_3DENToolbar BIS_fnc_3DENTutorial BIS_fnc_3DENVisionMode
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- Posted on Nov 01, 2020 - 15:36 (UTC)
Code used to generate list:
_version = str(productVersion select 2); _version = format["%1.%2", _version select [0,1], _version select [1, count _version]]; _firstLine = format ["Fonts for {{GVI|arma3|%1}}: ", _version]; _s = [_firstLine, "<ol start{{=}}""0"" style=""column-count: 3"">"]; _cfgFonts = configProperties [configfile >> "cfgfontfamilies","isclass _x"]; _cfgFonts apply { _s pushBack format["<li>%1</li>", configName _x]; }; _s pushBack "</ol>"; _s = _s joinString endl; copyToClipboard _s; _s;