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Returns resulting matrix from the multiplication of two matrices. First matrix must be of the size n × k, while the second must be of the size k × m, i.e columns matrix1 == rows matrix2. The resulting matrix will be of the size n × m. If the shapes do not match, empty array [] will be returned.
MathMath - Vectors


matrix1 matrixMultiply matrix2
matrix1: Array of Array of Numbers - matrix of the size n(rows) × k(columns)
matrix2: Array of Array of Numbers - matrix of the size k(rows) × m(columns)
Return Value:
Array of Array of Numbers - resulting matrix of the size n(rows) × m(columns)


Example 1:
[ [2], [2] ] matrixMultiply [ [3] ] /* returns [ [6], [6] ] */
Example 2:
[ [-1,0,0], [0,-1,0] ] matrixMultiply [ [1,2], [3,1], [2,3] ] /* returns [ [-1,-2], [-3,-1] ] */

Additional Information

See also:
matrixTranspose vectorAdd vectorMagnitude vectorNormalized vectorMultiply vectorDotProduct vectorCrossProduct vectorDistance vectorLinearConversion vectorCos vectorFromTo vectorModelToWorld vectorWorldToModel BIS_fnc_transformVectorDirAndUp


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oOKexOo - c
Posted on Jun 30, 2019 - 03:53 (UTC)
Note that this command won't automatically transform a 1D array into a column vector
[[-1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,-1]] matrixMultiply [1,2,3] // wrong, syntax error [[-1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,-1]] matrixMultiply [[1,2,3]] // wrong, will return [] [[-1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,-1]] matrixMultiply [[1], [2], [3]] // correct, will return [[-1], [-2], [-3]]