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Revision as of 20:15, 25 July 2017 by Nelis75733126 (talk | contribs)
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Disable saving of script containing this command. After this, the script can work with data types which do not support serialization (UI types).

NOTE: When using spawn command, if the argument passed to it is Display or Control, an error will show asking to consider to disable serialization because of use of _this variable. What's more neither disableSerialization no use of uiNamespace will solve this. Passing Display or Control as part of an array however, will do the job: findDisplay 46 spawn {hint str _this}; // serialization error [findDisplay 46] spawn {hint str (_this select 0)}; // OK


Return Value:


Example 1:
disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 46;

Additional Information

See also:


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note


Posted on 19 June, 2010
Can be used to detecting load. Scope with disabled serialization is discontinued after load, even if there's endless loop inside. _loaded = [] spawn {disableSerialization; waitUntil {false};}; waitUntil {scriptDone _loaded;}; hint "Game was loaded!" Works for all possible load types - loading user save, loading autosave and resuming mission from main menu. Use with caution, as it handles two threads in memory, having impact at overall scripting time.
Posted on 23 October, 2013
If you do not store UI elements (Display, Control) in variables, you do not need disableSerialization; UI elements are usually returned by scripting commands such as findDisplay or passed as params in UI event handler scripts (displayAddEventHandler, ctrlAddEventHandler). This code will require disableSerialization: disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 123; _ctrl = _display displayCtrl -1; _ctrl ctrlSetText "LOL"; This code will not: findDisplay 123 displayCtrl -1 ctrlSetText "LOL";

Bottom Section

Posted on July 25, 2017 - 18:15 (UTC)
In ArmA 3 1.72.142223, a scripted FSM does somehow not work with disableSerialization. As a workaround, store a display inside an array. Example: _d = [ findDisplay idd ];