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Searches for an array element within array or a ANSI string within a ANSI string.
Arma 3
If Unicode support is desired, see forceUnicode.
Search is cASe-seNsItiVE!

Syntax 1

array find element
array: Array - Array to search in
element: Anything - Array element to find
Return Value:
Number - Zero based position of the first array element that matches x, -1 if not found

Syntax 2

string find substring
string: String - String to search in
substring: String - Substring to find
Return Value:
Number - Zero based position of the first sequence of characters that matches substring, -1 if not found

Syntax 3

string find [substring, indexStart]
string: String - String to search in
substring: String - Substring to find
indexStart: Number - Zero based index which defines where find starts from
Return Value:
Number - Zero based position of the first sequence of characters that matches substring, -1 if not found


Example 1:
["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"] find "Oranges"; // returns 1
Example 2:
[1, [2], [[3]]] find [[3]]; // returns 2 - does not work in OFP
Example 3:
if (magazines player find "Strela" != -1) then { hint "You've got Strela!"; };
Example 4:
hint str ("japa is the man!" find "the man!"); // returns 8
Example 5:
"abc" find ""; // returns 0
Example 6:
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz" find ["z", 20];

Additional Information

See also:
in findIf forceUnicode


Report bugs on the Feedback Tracker and/or discuss them on the Arma Discord or on the Forums.
Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Heeeere's Johnny! - c
Posted on Jan 04, 2015 - 09:38 (UTC)
Using nil on either side of find will make the whole statement return Nothing:
_array = [1,2,nil,4,5]; _result = _array find nil; hintSilent str (isNil "_result"); // true _result = nil find 1; hintSilent str (isNil "_result"); // true
Kenoxite - c
Posted on Apr 10, 2015 - 17:01 (UTC)
find doesn't work with multidimensional arrays in OFP/CWA. It will always returns -1.
BaerMitUmlaut - c
Posted on May 17, 2016 - 14:21 (UTC)
This command is unreliable/broken when it comes to some non-ASCII characters (as of Arma 3 1.58):
"abcßdef" find "c" // 2 "abcßdef" find "ß" // 3 "abcßdef" find "d" // 5
Jtgibson - c
Posted on Jul 07, 2016 - 10:56 (UTC)
Not quite unreliable, just unexpected! Strings are tracked in terms of bytes rather than in actual character positions; all strings are stored in UTF-8 format. In other words, the eszett character is in Unicode, which takes up two bytes rather than one as it is within the 128-255 range of Unicode (similar results would be expected for the division symbol, the umlaut, accented e's, etc). Symbols that are particularly high in the Unicode range may take up three bytes, or even four for the truly exceptional characters, although Arma 3's default fonts are unlikely to render them. This definitely complicates any script which assumes any printable character is a single byte, however, and unfortunately I'm not skilled enough with internationalisation to recommend any robust fix.
R3vo - c
Posted on Jul 16, 2020 - 07:33 (UTC)
If you want to return all occurences of a given string in a string use the following code. Thanks to sharp. for providing the code.
private _fnc_findStringsInString = { params ["_string", "_search"]; if (_string == "") exitWith {[]}; private _searchLength = count _search; private _return = []; private _i = 0; private _index = 0; while {_index = _string find _search; _index != -1} do { _string = _string select [_index + _searchLength]; _i = _i + _index + _searchLength; _return pushBack _i - _searchLength; }; _return }; ["Test,123,123,Test","Test"] call _fnc_findStringsInString; // returns [0,13]