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Returns array of requested objects as fast as the engine allows it. The objects can be requested by object type and simulation kind.
This command does not return terrain placed objects (except for terrain objects with lights, such as lamp posts, etc. which can be found in the slow entities collection). To get all terrain objects, use nearestTerrainObjects instead.
Object Detection


objectType allObjects objectCollection
objectType: Number - type can be a combination of types according to bit flag operation (see getObjectType):
  • -1 - Arma 3 logo black.png2.12 All types incl. nulls (nulls exist with 'objectCollection' 7 and 8)
  • 1 - Primary - normal object placed in Terrain Builder, part of landscape
  • 2 - Network - road placed in Terrain Builder, part of landscape
  • 4 - Temporary - temporary object (like vehicle tracks)
  • 8 - TypeVehicle - entity added by game
  • 16 - TypeTempVehicle - temporary entity
  • 32 - LandDecal - land decal
For example if required objects are both TerrainBuilder-placed (1) and dynamically placed (8) the combination type will be 8 + 1 = 9
Use 63 (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32) to return objects of all types (excl. nulls).
objectCollection: Number - supported values:
  • 0 - Slow (and very slow) entities: some houses, rubbles, street lamps, churches, etc
  • 1 - Normal entities: vehicles etc
  • 2 - Fast entities: shots and other high precision entities
  • 3 - Cloudlets: smokes, dust, etc
  • 4 - Out vehicles: objects that are not listed anywhere else, holders, etc
  • 5 - Animals: animals, birds, insects, etc
  • 6 - Mines: mines
  • 7 - Arma 3 logo black.png2.12 Sensor map: ordered triggers. When trigger is created it is added to this collection in the order of creation. When deleted it becomes null. Use 'objectType' -1 to include nulls
  • 8 - Arma 3 logo black.png2.12 Vehicle map: ordered vehicles. When vehicle is created it is added to this collection in the order of creation. When deleted it becomes null. Use 'objectType' -1 to include nulls
  • 9 - Arma 3 logo black.png2.18 Vehicles and crew: normal entities as in 1 as well as crew if an entity is a vehcile with crew.
Return Value:
Array - array of Objects

Alternative Syntax

objectType allObjects objectCollection
objectType: String - type of the objects (will exact match return of typeOf)
objectCollection: Number - see main syntax above
Return Value:
Array - array of Objects


Example 1:
private _visitorBuildings = 1 allObjects 0;
Example 2:
private _userPlacedBuildings = 8 allObjects 0;
Example 3:
onEachFrame { hintSilent str [ count (63 allObjects 0), count (63 allObjects 1), count (63 allObjects 2), count (63 allObjects 3), count (63 allObjects 4), count (63 allObjects 5), count (63 allObjects 6) ]; };
Example 4:
private _allGroundWeaponHolders = "GroundWeaponHolder" allObjects 0; private _allSimulatedWeaponHolders = "WeaponHolderSimulated" allObjects 1;

Additional Information

See also:
getObjectFOV cursorObject cursorTarget createSimpleObject allMissionObjects setObjectViewDistance getObjectViewDistance objectParent object getObjectType allPlayers allGroups allDead playableUnits switchableUnits units vehicles allUnitsUAV allCurators playersNumber


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PierreMGI - c
Posted on Nov 30, 2022 - 17:32 (UTC)
This command (63 allObjects 0) will return lamps or poles but not houses. Use nearestTerrainObjects instead.