From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Returns the direction object is watching (eyes, or a vehicle's primary observer).
- Groups:
- Object Manipulation
- Syntax:
- eyeDirection unit
- Parameters:
- unit: Object
- Return Value:
- Array - 3D Vector
- Example 1:
- Keep a can in front of the player's face:
- Example 2:
- Draw AI eye direction (green) and weapon direction (red) in 3D:
Bob = createGroup east createUnit ["O_Soldier_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; Bob setVehiclePosition [player modelToWorld [0,100,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; onEachFrame { _beg = ASLToAGL eyePos Bob; _endE = _beg vectorAdd (eyeDirection Bob vectorMultiply 100); drawLine3D [_beg, _endE, [0,1,0,1]]; _endW = _beg vectorAdd (Bob weaponDirection currentWeapon Bob vectorMultiply 100); drawLine3D [_beg, _endW, [1,0,0,1]]; };
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- Posted on May 26, 2014 - 19:10 (UTC)
- This command should have really been named headDirection instead of eyeDirection as one could mistakenly think that eyes direction of your avatar correspond to the direction of the centre of your screen. Play with the script in Example 1 to find out limitations. If you need centre of screen direction, use positionCameraToWorld instead.