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- Description:
- Creates a new control in the given display.
The control class could be an existing class from the main config or a custom class defined in the mission config. The main config is searched first, if the class does not exist there, the mission config is searched. Some of the common controls defined in the main config that can be used with this command:Class Description Available since RscText simple text box RscStructuredText text box which supports structured text RscTextMulti simple multiline text box RscPicture simple picture box RscPictureKeepAspect picture box that doesn't stretch picture RscEdit input box RscEditMulti multiline input box RscEditReadOnly input box with canModify = false; 1.98
RscEditMultiReadOnly multiline input box with canModify = false; 1.98
RscTree tree view control RscTreeMulti multi-select tree view 2.02
RscTreeSearch searchable tree view control (see Example 4) RscVideo picture control with autostart for video texture (see BIS_fnc_playVideo) RscVideoKeepAspect picture control for video to keep original video aspect ratio RscButtonMenuBIKI shortcut button with url pointing to "https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/" 1.98
RscControlsGroup default controls group RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars controls group without scrollbars RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars controls group without horizontal scrollbar RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars controls group without vertical scrollbar - Groups:
- GUI Control
- Syntax:
- display ctrlCreate [class, idc, controlsGroup]
- Parameters:
- display: Display - display in which control will be created
- class: String or
2.14 Config - existing classname (see ctrlCreate/classnames) of the new control;
1.70 it is possible to use classes defined in mission config
- idc: Number - IDC of the new control. Use -1 if not needed
- controlsGroup: Control - (Optional, default controlNull) creates controls in existing controls group
- Return Value:
- Control
- Example 1:
- _display ctrlCreate ["RscText", 1234];
- Example 2:
- _map = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscMapControl", -1]; _multiLineText = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscTextMulti", -1]; _multiLineEdit = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscEditMulti", -1];
- Example 3:
- Example 4:
- Create Tree View control with search. Available RscTreeSearch class is hardcoded to be used with RscEdit with idc 645.
Example below demonstrates how to. After tree is generated, try typing something in the top box.
0 spawn { disableSerialization; _display = (if (is3DEN) then {findDisplay 313} else {[] call BIS_fnc_displayMission}) createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty"; _edit = _display ctrlCreate ["RscEdit", 645]; _edit ctrlSetPosition [0,0,1,0.04]; _edit ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,1]; _edit ctrlCommit 0; _tv = _display ctrlCreate ["RscTreeSearch", -1]; _tv ctrlSetFont "EtelkaMonospacePro"; _tv ctrlSetFontHeight 0.03; _tv ctrlSetPosition [0,0.06,1,0.94]; _tv ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,1]; _tv ctrlCommit 0; _classes = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"); for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { _tv tvAdd [[], configName selectRandom _classes]; for "_j" from 0 to 5 do { _tv tvAdd [[_i], configName selectRandom _classes]; for "_k" from 0 to 5 do { _tv tvAdd [[_i, _j], configName selectRandom _classes]; for "_n" from 0 to 5 do { _tv tvAdd [[_i, _j, _k], configName selectRandom _classes]; }; }; }; }; };
- Example 5:
- Create a simple submit edit box and show content in hint:
disableSerialization; private _display = findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty"; private _ctrlGroup = _display ctrlCreate ["RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars", -1]; private _ctrlBackground = _display ctrlCreate ["RscTextMulti", -1, _ctrlGroup]; IDD_EDIT_BOX = 123; private _ctrlEdit = _display ctrlCreate ["RscEditMulti", IDD_EDIT_BOX, _ctrlGroup]; private _ctrlButton = _display ctrlCreate ["RscShortcutButton", -1, _ctrlGroup]; _ctrlGroup ctrlSetPosition [0.5, 0.5, 0, 0]; _ctrlGroup ctrlCommit 0; _ctrlBackground ctrlSetPosition [0, 0, 0.5, 0.5]; _ctrlBackground ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.9]; _ctrlBackground ctrlSetText "ENTER TEXT:"; _ctrlBackground ctrlEnable false; _ctrlBackground ctrlCommit 0; _ctrlEdit ctrlSetPosition [0.01, 0.05, 0.48, 0.34]; _ctrlEdit ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0, 0, 0, 0.5]; _ctrlEdit ctrlCommit 0; _ctrlButton ctrlSetPosition [0.185, 0.42, 0.13, 0.05]; _ctrlButton ctrlCommit 0; _ctrlButton ctrlSetText "SUBMIT"; _ctrlButton ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick", { params ["_ctrl"]; _display = ctrlParent _ctrl; _text = ctrlText (_display displayCtrl IDD_EDIT_BOX); if (_text == "") then { _text = "EMPTY" }; hint _text; _display closeDisplay 1; }]; ctrlSetFocus _ctrlEdit; _ctrlGroup ctrlSetPosition [0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5]; _ctrlGroup ctrlCommit 0.1; playSound "Hint3";
- Example 6:
- // since Arma 3 v2.14 findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty" ctrlCreate [configFile >> "RscDisplayBootcampMsgBox" >> "controls" >> "BootcampMessageBox", -1];
- Example 7:
- // Creates a vertical slider. Execute in Eden Editor private _display = findDisplay 313 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty"; private _ctrlSlider = _display ctrlCreate ["ctrlSliderV", -1]; _ctrlSlider ctrlSetPosition [ 0.5 - 0.5 * pixelGrid * pixelW * 10, 0.5 - 0.5 * pixelGrid * pixelH * 40, 0.5 * pixelGrid * pixelW * 20, 0.5 * pixelGrid * pixelH * 80 ]; _ctrlSlider ctrlCommit 0;
Additional Information
- See also:
- ctrlMapSetPosition allControls allDisplays controlsGroupCtrl ctrlDelete ctrlModel ctrlSetModel ctrlPosition ctrlSetPosition ctrlClassName ctrlModelScale ctrlSetModelScale ctrlModelDirAndUp ctrlSetModelDirAndUp displayParent
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