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==  Make it work. ==
{{Feature|informative|This page is about [[Code Optimisation]]. For ''conception'' optimisation, see [[Mission Optimisation]].}}

''"Premature optimization is the root of all evil."<br />Donald Knuth''
This article will try to be a general guide about improving your code '''and''' its performance.
* The first part ([[#Rules|Rules]]) will focus on having a clean, readable and maintainable code.
* The second part ([[#Code optimisation|Code optimisation]]) is about '''improving performance''', sometimes trading it against code readability.
* The third part ([[#Equivalent commands performance|Equivalent commands performance]]) mentions commands that in appearance have identical effects but may differ in terms of performance according to the use you may have of them.
* The fourth part ([[#Conversion from earlier versions|Conversion from earlier versions]]) is a hopefully helpful, short guide about useful new commands or syntaxes to replace the old ways.

No need to worry about making it work at light speed if it doesn't even do what it is supposed to. Focus on getting a working product first.

== Make it fast. ==
== Rules ==

Optimisation is everything when running lots of instances, with low delays. However, there is such thing as premature optimisation. Also, avoid excessive cleverness.
In the domain of development, any rule is a rule of thumb. If a rule states for example that it is ''better'' that a line of code doesn't go over 80 characters, it doesn't mean that any line '''''must not''''' go over 80 characters; sometimes, the situation needs it. If you have a good structure, '''do not''' change your code to enforce a single arbitrary rule. If you break many of them, you may have to change something. Again, this is according to your judgement.

''"Excessive cleverness is doing something in a really clever way when actually you could have done it in a much more straightforward but slightly less optimal manner.  You've probably seen examples of people who construct amazing chains of macros (in C) or bizarre overloading patterns (in C++) which work fine but which you look at an go "wtf"?  EC is a variation of premature-optimisation.  It's also an act of hubris - programmers doing things because they want to show how clever they are rather than getting the job done." - sbsmac
With that being said, here are the three basic rules to get yourself in the clear:

====Written it twice? Put it in a function====
# {{Link|#Make It Work|Make it work}}
Pre-compilation by the game engine can save up 20x the amount of time processing, even if the initial time is slightly lengthened. If you've written it twice, or if there is a kind of loop consistently being compiled (perhaps a script run by execVM), make it into a function (FUNCVAR =compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "filename.sqf");
# {{Link|#Make It Readable|Make it readable}}
# {{Link|#Optimise Then|Optimise then}}

==== Preprocessfilelinenumbers ====
=== Make It Work ===
The [[preprocessFileLineNumbers]] command remembers what it has done, so loading a file once will load it into memory, therefore if wanted to refrain from using global variables for example, but wanted a function precompiled, but not saved, you could simply use:
<code><nowiki>call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "file"</nowiki></code>

Remembering the only loss of performance will be the [[compile]] time of the string returned and then the [[call]] of the code itself.
{{Feature|quote|Premature optimization is the root of all evil.|{{Link||Donald Knuth}}}}
Your first goal when coding is to make your code do what you want it does. A good way to reach this objective is to read and getting inspired by other people's code. If you understand it by reading it once, it is probably a good source of inspiration.

* When starting from scratch if you know what you want but miss the specific steps to get to your point, it is a good practice to write down in your native language what you want to do. E.g ''Get [[allUnits|all the units]] [[distance|near]] [[locationPosition|the city]], and [[forEach|for each]] [[side|west]] soldier in them, [[setDamage|add 30% damage]]''.
If any script or function is longer than around 200-300 lines, then perhaps (not true in all cases by all means) you may need to rethink the structure of the script itself, and whether it is all within scope of the functionality required, and if you could do something cleaner, faster and better.
* Use [[Arma_3_Startup_Parameters#Developer_Options|-showScriptErrors]] startup parameter and '''make sure your code doesn't throw errors.''' Not only will your code run slower but it may also ''not work at all''. Be sure to read the error, isolate the issue and sort it out [[:Category:Scripting Commands|thanks to this Wiki]].
* Read your [[Crash_Files|Arma RPT]] (report) to read more details about the error that happened in your code.

====Fewer statements => faster code====
=== Make It Readable ===
This may sound too obvious, but... optimise the code by removing redundant statements. The following code examples do the same thing, but the latter is 1.5 times faster:

<code>_arr = [1,2];
Whether you are cleaning your code or a different person's, you must understand the code without twisting your brain:
_one = _arr [[select]] 0;
_two = _arr [[select]] 1;
_three = _one + _two;

<code>_arr = [1,2];
* While [[SQF Syntax|SQF]] ''is'' (non-noticeably) impacted by variable name length, this should not take precedence on the fact that code must be readable by a human being. Variables like '''_u''' instead of '''_uniform''' should not be present.
_three  = (_arr [[select]] 0) + (_arr [[select]] 1);
* ''One-lining'' (putting everything in one statement) memory improvement is most of the time not worth the headache it gives when trying to read it. Don't overuse it.
* Indentation is important for the human mind, and space is too. Space is free, use it.
NOTE: "fewer statements" refers to fewer statements that the engine needs to execute. NOT to confuse with: "fewer statements to write".
* Same goes for line return; it helps to see a code block wrapping multiple common instructions instead of having to guess where it starts and stops.
* Do you see the same code multiple times, only with different parameters? Now is the time to write a function!
* If you have a lot of [[if]]..[[else]], you may want to look at a [[switch]] condition, or again break your code in smaller functions.
* Is your function code far too long? Break it in understandable-sized bites for your own sanity.
* Finally, camel-casing (namingLikeThis) your variables will naturally make the code more readable, especially for long names.

====Variable Names====
{{Feature|informative|See '''[[Code Best Practices]]''' for more information.}}
Scripts and functions that use long [[Variables|variable]] names will run more slowly than those with short names. Using cryptically short variable names is not recommended without explanatory comments.
<code>_pN = "John Smith"; //this line executes in half the time of the line below
_playerNameBecauseThePlayerIsImportantAndWeNeedToKnowWhoTheyAreAllTheTimeEspeciallyInsideThisImpressiveFunction = "John Smith";</code>

See the following code:
_w=[]; {_w pushbackunique primaryweapon _x} foreach((allunits+alldeadmen) select{_x call BIS_fnc_objectside==east});

<code><nowiki>if (_group knowsAbout vehicle _object > 0 && alive _object && canMove _object && count magazines _object > 0) then {
The same example is far more readable with proper spacing, good variable names and intermediate results:
//custom code
_weaponNames = [];
_allUnitsAliveAndDead = allUnits + allDeadMen;
_allEastAliveAndDead = _allUnitsAliveAndDead select { _x call BIS_fnc_objectSide == east };
{ _weaponNames pushBackUnique primaryWeapon _x } forEach _allEastAliveAndDead;

You may expect the engine to stop reading the condition after the group has no knowledge about the object but that's false.
EDITOR'S NOTE: ^ code examples are not linking commands on purpose! This allows for a fair comparison of both syntaxes' readability.
The engine will continue evaluating the condition until the end even if any of the previous conditions evaluated false.

<code><nowiki>if (_group knowsAbout vehicle _object > 0) then {
      if (alive _object && canMove _object && count magazines _object > 0) then {
            //custom code

Now the engine will only continue reading the condition after the group has some knowledge about the object. Alternatively you can use lazy evaluation syntax. If normal evaluation syntax is (bool1 .. bool2 .. bool3 .. ...), lazy evaluation syntax is (bool1 .. {bool2} .. {bool3} .. ...). Now let's look at the above example using lazy evaluation:
==== Constants ====
Using a hard-coded constant more than once? Use preprocessor directives rather than storing it in memory or cluttering your code with numbers. Such as:
a = _x + 1.053;
b = _y + 1.053;
_buffer = 1.053;
a = _x + _buffer;
b = _y + _buffer;
#define BUFFER 1.053 // note: no semicolon
_a = _x + BUFFER;
_b = _y + BUFFER;
{{Feature|informative|Using the <sqf inline>#define</sqf> macro only works within the current [[SQF Syntax|SQF]] ''file''. Such definition will not propagate anywhere else.}}
'''Global''' "constants" can be defined ''via'' a [[Description.ext]] declaration, though, and accessed using [[getMissionConfigValue]] command:

<code><nowiki>if (_group knowsAbout _vehicle object > 0 && {alive _object} && {canMove _object} && {count magazines _object > 0}) then {
Declaration in [[Description.ext]]:
            //custom code
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
var1 = 123;
var2 = "123";
var3[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
rand = __EVAL(random 999);

Using lazy evaluation is not always the best way as it could speed up the code as well as slow it down, depending on the current condition being evaluated:
Usage in code:
hint str getMissionConfigValue "var1"; // 123 // 0.0007 ms
hint str getMissionConfigValue "var2"; // "123" // 0.0008 ms
hint str getMissionConfigValue "var3"; // [1,2,3] // 0.0017 ms
hint str getMissionConfigValue "rand"; // constant random, for example 935.038 // 0.0007 ms

<code>['[[true]] || {[[false]]} || {[[false]]}'] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_codePerformance]]; //fastest
The [[getMissionConfigValue]] command searching [[Description.ext]] from top to bottom,
['[[true]] || [[false]] || [[false]]'] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_codePerformance]]; //normal
it is better for a matter of performance to put all your definitions at the top of the file.
['[[false]] || [[false]] || [[false]]'] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_codePerformance]]; //same as above
['[[false]] || {[[false]]} || {[[false]]}'] [[call]] [[BIS_fnc_codePerformance]]; //slowest

=== Optimise Then ===

[[isNil]] [[String]] is quite a bit faster than [[isNil]] [[Code]]
Once you know what is what, you can understand your code better.
* Use [[Variables#Scopes|private variables]] instead of global variables (preceded by an underscore) as much as possible.
* You were iterating multiple times on the same array?
** You should be able to spot your issue now.
* Are you using [[execVM]] on the same file, many times?
** Store your function in memory to avoid file reading every call ( e.g <sqf inline>_myFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf";</sqf>).
* Is your variable name far too long?
** Find a smaller name, according to the variable scope;<!--
-->e.g:<sqf>{ _opforUnitUniform = uniform _x; systemChat _opforUnitUniform; } forEach _allOpforUnits;</sqf><!--
-->becomes<sqf>{ _uniform = uniform _x; systemChat _uniform; } forEach _allOpforUnits;</sqf>

<code>var = 123;
[[isNil]] "var";
// is faster than
[[isNil]] {var};</code>

== Make it pretty. ==
== Code Optimisation ==

Documentation, readability, and all that jazz. Clean code is good code.
'''Please note:''' Tests and benchmarks were done with the latest {{arma3}} version at the time {{GVI|arma3|1.82}} with '''Tank DLC'''. Game engine performance may have changed since.<br>Benchmark result in milliseconds (ms) is an average for '''10000''' iterations.

====If Else If Else If Else ...====
If you can't escape this using a [[switch]] control structure, then try and rethink the functionality. Especially if only one option is needed to match.
{{Colorball|red|1.125}} means you '''must''' change your ways today, ''or with us you will ride…''<br>
{{Colorball|orange|1.125}} means you may want to look at it if you are targeting pure performance<br>
{{Colorball|green|1.125}} means the gain is little to insignificant. Going through your code for this replacement is not worth it. You ''may'' only consider it for future code.

On the other hand [[switch]] is slower than [[if]] [[then]] [[else]]. To keep tidiness of the [[switch]] and speed of [[if]], use [[if]] [[exitWith]] combined with [[call]]:
=== Scheduled and Unscheduled Environment ===
<code>[[call]] {
[[if]] (cond1) [[exitWith]] {/*code 1*/};
[[if]] (cond2) [[exitWith]] {/*code 2*/};
[[if]] (cond3) [[exitWith]] {/*code 3*/};
//default code

There are two code environment types, [[Scheduler#Scheduled_Environment|scheduled]] and [[Scheduler#Unscheduled_Environment|unscheduled]].
* A '''scheduled''' script has an execution time limit of '''3 ms''' before being suspended to the benefit of another script until its turn comes back. It is a bit slower than unscheduled, but [[canSuspend|suspending]] ([[sleep]], [[waitUntil]]) is allowed.
* An '''unscheduled''' script is not watched and will run without limitations. It is recommended for time-critical scripts, but [[canSuspend|suspending]] ([[sleep]], [[waitUntil]]) is '''not''' allowed!
{{Feature|informative|See [[Scheduler]] for more information.}}

[[if]] () [[then]] {} <br/> is faster than <br/> [[if]] () [[exitWith]] {} <br/> is faster than <br/> [[if]] () [[then]] {} [[else]] {} <br/> or <br/> [[if]] () [[then]] [{},{}]
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} Variable Assignment ===

However there is no noticeable difference in speed in the following:
private _myVar = [33, 66] select false; // 0.0013 ms
private _myVar = if (false) then { 33; } else { 66; }; // 0.0020 ms
private "_myVar"; if (false) then { _myVar = 33; } else { _myVar = 66; }; // 0.0025 ms

<code>_a = 0; [[if]] ([[true]]) [[then]] {_a = 1};
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} Lazy Evaluation ===
_a = [[if]] ([[true]]) [[then]] [{1},{0}];
_a = [[if]] ([[true]]) [[then]] {1} [[else]] {0};

In [[SQF Syntax|SQF]] the following code will evaluate every single condition, even if one fails:
<sqf>if (a && b && c) then {};</sqf>
Even if <var>a</var> returns [[false]] (and thus the entire [[Boolean]] expression can no longer become [[true]]), <var>b</var> and <var>c</var> will still be executed and evaluated regardless.

Using a hard coded constant more than once? Use preprocessor directives rather than storing it in memory or cluttering your code with numbers. Such as:
To avoid this behaviour, one can either imbricate [[if]] statements or use '''lazy evaluation'''. The latter is done like so:
<code><nowiki>a = _x + 1.053;
<sqf>if (a && { b && { c } }) then {};</sqf>
b = _y + 1.053;</nowiki></code>
In the example above, condition evaluation stops once any condition evaluates to [[false]].

==== Influence on Semantics ====
Depending on the arrangement of the curly brackets, lazy evaluation can change the precedence (and therefore the semantics) of a condition. Consider this example:
{| class="wikitable align-center" style="margin: auto"
! rowspan="2" | Expression !! colspan="3" | Condition Value !! rowspan="2" | Evaluated Conditions !! rowspan="2" | Result
! <var>a</var> !! <var>b</var> !! <var>c</var>
| style="text-align: left" | <sqf>a &&  b  ||  c</sqf> || rowspan="3" | [[false]] || rowspan="3" | any [[Boolean]] || rowspan="3" | [[true]] || <var>a</var>, <var>b</var>, <var>c</var> || [[true]]
| style="text-align: left" | <sqf>a && {b} || {c}</sqf> || <var>a</var>, <var>c</var> || [[true]]
| style="text-align: left" | <sqf>a && {b  || {c}}</sqf> || <var>a</var> || [[false]]
==== Performance ====
Using lazy evaluation is not always the best way as it can both speed up and slow down the code, depending on the current condition being evaluated:
["true  || { false  || {false}}", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00080 ms
["true  ||  {false} || {false} ", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00105 ms
["false ||  false  ||  false  ", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00123 ms
["true  ||  false  ||  false  ", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00128 ms
["false ||  {false} || {false} ", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00200 ms
=== {{Colorball|red|0.9}} Concatenating Strings ===
<sqf inline>myString = myString + otherString</sqf> works fine for small strings, however the bigger the string gets the slower the operation becomes:
<sqf>myString = ""; for "_i" from 1 to 10000 do { myString = myString + "123" }; // 290 ms</sqf>
The solution is to use a string array that you will concatenate later:
strings = [];
for "_i" from 1 to 10000 do { strings pushBack "123" };
strings = strings joinString ""; // 30 ms
=== {{Colorball|red|0.9}} Array Manipulation ===
==== Add Elements ====
New commands [[append]] and [[pushBack]] hold the best score.
_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array append [4,5,6]; // 0.0020 ms
_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array = _array + [4,5,6]; // 0.0023 ms
_array = [0,1,2,3]; { _array set [count _array, _x]; } forEach [4,5,6]; // 0.0080 ms
_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array pushBack 4; // 0.0016 ms
_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array = _array + [4]; // 0.0021 ms
_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array set [count _array, _x]; // 0.0022 ms
==== Iterate Elements ====
[[for]] is twice as fast as [[forEach]] and is recommended '''if [[Magic_Variables#x|_x]] is not required'''.

<code><nowiki>_buffer = 1.053;
a = _x + _buffer;
private _array = allUnits; // 64 units 256 units
b = _y + _buffer;</nowiki></code>

// if the amount of loops is known
<code><nowiki>#define BUFFER 1.053
for "_i" from 0 to 63 do {}; // 0.0120 ms 0.0460 ms
for "_i" from 0 to count _array -1 do {}; // 0.0170 ms 0.0480 ms
for "_i" from 0 to count _array -1 do { private _x = _array select _i }; // 0.0500 ms 0.1896 ms <
for "_i" from 0 to count _array -1 do { private _x = array select _i; _x setDamage 0 }; // 0.107 ms 0.39 ms

_a = _x + BUFFER;
{} forEach _array; // 0.0250 ms 0.098 ms
_b = _y + BUFFER;
{ _x setDamage 0 } forEach _array; // 0.0770 ms 0.312 ms
This also allows quick modifying of code; with the obvious loss of dynamics, but in that case it isn't a constant is it.

_array apply {}; // 0.0250 ms 0.098 ms
_array apply { _x setDamage 0 }; // 0.0770 ms 0.312 ms

These first two loop types are identical in speed (+/- 10%), and are more than 3x as fast the proceeding two loop types.
private _i = 0;
while { _i < 64 } do { _i = _i + 1; }; // 0.048 ms 0.200 ms

*for "_y" from # to # step # do { ... };
// counts array every loop
*{ ... } foreach [ ... ];
private _i = 0;
while { _i < count _array } do { _i = _i + 1; }; // 0.062 ms 0.247 ms

Where as these two loops are much slower, and for maximum performance, avoided.
private _i = 0;
while { _i < 64 } do { private _x = _array select _i; _i = _i + 1; }; // 0.086 ms 0.42 ms

*while { expression } do { code };
==== Remove Elements ====
*for [{ ... },{ ... },{ ... }] do { ... }
_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array deleteAt 0; // 0.0015 ms
_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array set [0, objNull]; _array = _array - [objNull]; // 0.0038 ms

Waituntil can be used when you want something to only run once per frame, which can be handy for limiting scripts that may be resource heavy.
_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array deleteRange [1, 2]; // 0.0018 ms
_array = [0,1,2,3]; { _array set [_x, objNull] } forEach [1,2]; _array = _array - [objNull]; // 0.0078 ms

*[[waitUntil]] {expression};
=== {{Colorball|red|0.9}} Multiplayer Recommendations ===

As requested, the method to gain this information was via the CBA_fnc_benchmarkFunction, using around 10,000 iterations. It was not tested across different stations, and *may* be subject to change between them (ArmA2 is special remember :P):
* Do not saturate the network with information: [[publicVariable]] or public [[setVariable]] shouldn't be used at high frequency, else '''everyone's performance experience''' is at risk!
* The server is supposed to have a good CPU and a lot of memory, use it: store functions, run them from it, send only the result to the clients
* [[publicVariable]] and [[setVariable]] variable name length impacts network, be sure to send well-named, understandable variables<br><span style="font-size: 0.9em;">(''and not '''<span style="word-break: break-word">playerNameBecauseThePlayerIsImportantAndWeNeedToKnowWhoTheyAreAllTheTimeEspeciallyInsideThisImpressiveFunction</span>''''')</span>
* Use, use and use [[remoteExec]] &amp; [[remoteExecCall]]. Ditch [[BIS_fnc_MP]] for good!
{{Feature|informative|See [[Multiplayer Scripting]] for more information.}}

<code><nowiki>fA = {
private "_i";
_i = 0;
while {_i < 1000} do {
_i = _i + 1;
private "_t";
_t = "0";

<code><nowiki>fB = {
== Equivalent Commands Performance ==
for "_i" from 0 to 1000 do {
private "_t";
_t = "0";

This code then performs 10,000 tests and returns average time taken for the function, measured via diag_ticktime.
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} call ===
[fA,[],10000] call CBA_fnc_benchmarkFunction;
[fB,[],10000] call CBA_fnc_benchmarkFunction;

====10,000 Iterations Limit in Loops====
[[call]] without arguments is faster than call with arguments:
call {}; // 0.0007 ms
123 call {}; // 0.0013 ms

A [[while]] [[do]] loop will be limited to 10,000 iteration in [[Scheduler#Unscheduled_Environment|non-scheduled environment]]. In [[Scheduler#Scheduled_Environment|scheduled environment]] such limit does not apply.
Since the variables defined in the parent scope will be available in the [[call]]ed child scope, it could be possible to speed up the code by avoiding passing arguments all together, for example writing:
<sqf>player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { call my_fnc_damage }];</sqf>
instead of:
<sqf>player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _this call my_fnc_damage }];</sqf>

=== {{Colorball|red|0.9}} execVM and call ===
The game runs in a [[Scheduler#Scheduled_Environment|scheduled environment]], and there are two ways you can run your code. [[Scheduler#Scheduled_Environment|Scheduled]] and [[Scheduler#Unscheduled_Environment|non scheduled]].

Depending on where the scope originates, determines how the code is executed. [[Scheduler#Scheduled_Environment|Scheduled]] code is subject to delays between reading the script across the engine, and execution times can depend on the load on the system at the time.
Using [[execVM]] multiple times make the game read the file and recompile it every time.<br>
If you use the script more than once, store its code in a variable or better, make it a [[Arma 3: Functions Library|Function]]!
// myFile.sqf is an EMPTY file
private _myFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // compile time is done only once
call _myFunction; // 0.0009 ms
execVM "myFile.sqf"; // 0.275 ms

Some basic examples:
// myFile.sqf is BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenu
private _myFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // compile time is done only once
["close"] call _myFunction; // 0.0056 ms
["close"] execVM "myFile.sqf"; // 0.506 ms

*Triggers are inside what we call the '[[Scheduler#Unscheduled_Environment|non-scheduled]]' environment;
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} loadFile, preprocessFile and preprocessFileLineNumbers ===
*All pre-init code executions are [[Scheduler#Unscheduled_Environment|without scheduling]];
*FSM conditions are [[Scheduler#Unscheduled_Environment|without scheduling]];
*Event handlers (on units and in GUI) are [[Scheduler#Unscheduled_Environment|without scheduling]];
*Sqf code which called from sqs-code are [[Scheduler#Unscheduled_Environment|without scheduling]].

====The 3ms run time====
A [[Scheduler#Scheduled_Environment|scheduled]] script can only run for maximum 3ms per frame before it is put in suspension to be resumed on the next frame or even later.
// myFile.sqf is an empty file
For more information on that see [[Scheduler#Scheduled_Environment|Scheduler]].
loadFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.219 ms
preprocessFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.353 ms
preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // 0.355 ms

====When am I creating new threads?====
// myFile.sqf is BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenu
loadFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.3516 ms
preprocessFile "myFile.sqf"; // 2.75 ms
preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // 2.73 ms

Using the [[spawn]]/[[execVM]]/[[exec]] commands are creating small entries within the script [[Scheduler|scheduler]], and as the [[Scheduler|scheduler]] works through each one individually, the delay between returning to the start of the schedule to proceed to the next line of your code can be very high (in high load situations, delays of up to a minute can be experienced!).
// myFile.sqf is a missing file
loadFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.692 ms
preprocessFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.6225 ms
preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // 0.6225 ms

Obviously this problem is only an issue when your instances are lasting for longer than their execution time, ie spawned loops with sleeps that never end, or last a long time.
{{Feature|important|The comparison of [[loadFile]] with preprocessFile* is not exactly fair as [[loadFile]] doesn't preprocess the file's content.<br><!--
-->On the other hand, the loaded file cannot contain any {{cc|}} or {{codecomment|/* */}} comments nor any [[PreProcessor Commands|preprocessor instructions]] (including debug information like line numbers or file information).}}

==Avoid O(n^2)!!==
=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} if ===

Commonly you may set up foreach foreach's.
'For' example:
if (condition) then { /* thenCode */ }; // 0.0011 ms
if (condition) exitWith { /* exitCode */ }; // 0.0014 ms
if (condition) then { /* thenCode */ } else { /* elseCode */ }; // 0.0015 ms
if (condition) then [{ /* thenCode */ }, { /* elseCode */ }]; // 0.0016 ms

=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} if and select ===
{ ...} foreach [0,0,0];
} foreach [0,0,0];</nowiki></code>

This example is of the order (n^2) (3^2 = 9 iterations). For arrays that are twice as big, you will run 4 times slower, and for arrays that are 3 times as big you will run 9 times slower! Of course, you don't always have a choice, and if one (or both) of the arrays is guaranteed to be small it's not really as big of a deal.
Use <sqf inline>[array] select boolean</sqf> instead of the lazy-evaluated [[if]].
_result = ["false result", "true result"] select true; // 0.0011 ms
_result = if (true) then { "true result"; } else { "false result"; }; // 0.0017 ms

==Deprecated/Slow Commands==
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} if and switch ===

====Adding elements to an [[Array|array]]====
* [[pushBack]] was added in ARMA3 1.26 and is currently the fastest command to push an element into an array, as of 1.29 it will also return the index of the element. Quick tests shows it's around 2x faster than the below method, set. Not to mention it is also easier to read.
_result = call {
if (false) exitWith {};
_a pushBack _v
if (false) exitWith {};
if (true)  exitWith {};
if (false) exitWith {};
if (false) exitWith {};
}; // 0.0032 ms

* [[set]] is around 2x faster than [[plus_a|binary addition]]
_result = switch (true) do {
_a set [count _a,_v]
case (false): {};
case (false): {};
case (true) : {};
case (false): {};
case (false): {};
}; // 0.0047 ms

Instead of:
=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} if else and switch ===
_a = _a + [_v]

====Removing elements from an [[Array|array]]====
[[deleteAt]] - Removes array element at the given index and returns removed element (modifies the original array, just like [[resize]] or [[set]])
_mode = "killed";

<code><nowiki>_array = [1,2,3]
switch _mode do {
_array deleteAt 1;
    case "init": {};
systemChat str _array; // -> [1,3]
    case "killed": {};
    case "respawned": {};
}; // 0.0019 ms

Faster than...
_mode = "killed";

When FIFO removing elements from an array, the set removal method works best, even if it makes a copy of the new array.
if (_mode == "init") then {} else {
    if (_mode == "killed") then {} else {
        if (_mode == "respawned") then {};
}; // 0.0019 ms

<code><nowiki>ARRAYX set [0, objnull];
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} in vs find ===
ARRAYX = ARRAYX - [objnull];

====Combining [[Array|array]]s====
*When adding an array to an existing array variable, [[append]] is fastest
// String search
<code>arr1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]; arr2 = arr1; arr1 append arr2;
"bar" in "foobar" // 0.0008 ms
//0.015 ms
"foobar" find "bar" > -1 // 0.0012 ms

arr1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]; arr2 = arr1; arr1 + arr2;
//0.016 ms (Arma 3 after optimisation)</code>
// array search - case-sensitive
[[append]] modifies existing array while "+" produces a copy, hence a little bit slower.
"bar" in ["foo", "Bar", "bar", "BAR"]; // 0.0012 ms
["foo", "Bar", "bar", "BAR"] find "bar" > -1; // 0.0016 ms

* When not saving the array to a variable, use +.
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} for ===
<code>([veh1] + _array2) call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank
//0.004 ms

_array1 = [veh1];
The {{hl|[[for]]..[[from]]..[[to]]..[[do]]}} is twice as fast as its alternative syntax, {{hl|[[for]]..[[do]]}}.
_array1 append _array2;
_array1 call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank
for "_i" from 0 to 10 do { /* forCode */ }; // 0.015 ms
//0.0054 ms</code>
for [{ _i = 0 }, { _i < 100 }, { _i = _i + 1 }] do { /* forCode */ }; // 0.030 ms

====Comparing [[Array|array]]s====
=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} forEach vs count vs findIf ===

To compare arrays prior Arma 3, use the following function:
Both [[forEach]] and [[count]] commands will step through ''all'' the array elements and both commands will contain reference to current element with the [[Magic Variables#x|_x]] variable.
However, [[count]] loop is a little faster than [[forEach]] loop, but it does not benefit from the [[Magic Variables#forEachIndex|_forEachIndex]] variable.<br>
Also, there is a limitation as the code inside [[count]] expects [[Boolean]] or [[Nothing]] while the command itself returns [[Number]].
This limitation is very important if you try to replace your [[forEach]] by [[count]]. If you have to add an extra [[true]]/[[false]]/[[nil]] at the end to make [[count]] work, it will be slower than the [[forEach]] equivalent.

<syntaxhighlight lang=javascript>KK_fnc_arraysAreEqual = {str (_this select 0) in [str (_this select 1)]};</syntaxhighlight>
{ diag_log _x } count  [1,2,3,4,5]; // 0.082 ms
{ diag_log _x } forEach [1,2,3,4,5]; // 0.083 ms

// with an empty array
_someoneIsNear = (allUnits findIf { _x  distance [0,0,0] < 1000 }) != -1; // 0.0046 ms
_someoneIsNear = { _x distance [0,0,0] < 1000 } count allUnits > 0; // 0.0047 ms <
_someoneIsNear = {
if (_x distance [0,0,0] < 1000) exitWith { true };
} forEach allUnits; // 0.0060 ms

<syntaxhighlight lang=javascript>hint str ([[1,2,[3]], [1,2,[3]]] call KK_fnc_arraysAreEqual); //true</syntaxhighlight>
// with a 30 items array
_someoneIsNear = (allUnits findIf { _x  distance [0,0,0] < 1000 }) != -1; // 0.0275 ms
_someoneIsNear = { _x distance [0,0,0] < 1000 } count allUnits > 0; // 0.0645 ms <
_someoneIsNear = {
if (_x distance [0,0,0] < 1000) exitWith { true };
} forEach allUnits; // 0.0390 ms

In Arma 3 use [[isEqualTo]] command.
=== {{Colorball|red|0.9}} findIf ===

====Comparing values by type====
[[findIf]] stops array iteration as soon as the condition is met.
[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] findIf { _x == 2 }; // 0.0050 ms
{ if (_x == 2) exitWith { _forEachIndex; }; } forEach [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; // 0.0078 ms
_quantity = { _x == 2 } count [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; // 0.0114 ms

<code>"a" [[isEqualType]] 0
=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} format vs str ===
//0.0009 ms</code>

Is much faster than
str 33; // 0.0016 ms
format ["%1", 33]; // 0.0022 ms

<code>[[typeName]] "a" == [[typeName]] 0
=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} + vs format vs joinString ===
//0.0032 ms</code>

====Checking if array is []====
non-[[String]] data:
[33, 45, 78] joinString ""; // 0.0052 ms - no length limit
format ["%1%2%3", 33, 45, 78]; // 0.0054 ms - limited to ~8Kb
str 33 + str 45 + str 78; // 0.0059 ms - no length limit

Traditional ([[count]] _arr == 0) is pretty fast, but direct comparison with new comparison command is a little faster: (_arr [[isEqualTo]] [])
[[String]] data:
["str1", "str2", "str3"] joinString ""; // 0.0015 ms - no length limit
format ["%1%2%3", "str1", "str2", "str3"]; // 0.0015 ms - limited to ~8Kb
"str1" + "str2" + "str3"; // 0.0012 ms - no length limit

<code>[[count]] _arr == 0
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} private ===
// 0.0014 ms</code>

<code>_arr [[isEqualTo]] []
Direct declaration (<sqf inline>private _var = value</sqf>) is faster than declaring ''then'' assigning the variable.
// 0.0013 ms</code>
private _a = 1;
private _b = 2;
private _c = 3;
private _d = 4;
// 0.0023 ms

====Position World is the fastest====
private ["_a", "_b", "_c", "_d"];
_a = 1;
_b = 2;
_c = 3;
_d = 4;
// 0.0040 ms

[[getPosASL]], [[getPosATL]] and [[visiblePositionASL]] are  faster than [[getPos]], [[position]] and [[visiblePosition]]. But new to Arma 3 command [[getPosWorld]] is the fastest  of them all.
However, if you have to reuse the same variable in a loop, external declaration is faster.<br>
<code>[[getPosWorld]] [[player]]
The reason behind this is that a declaration in the loop will create, assign and delete the variable in each loop.<br>
//0.0014 ms</code>
An external declaration creates the variable only once and the loop only assigns the value.
private ["_a", "_b", "_c", "_d"];
for "_i" from 1 to 10 do
_a = 1; _b = 2; _c = 3; _d = 4;
// 0.0195 ms

<code>[[getPosASL]] [[player]]
//0.0014 ms</code>
for "_i" from 1 to 10 do
private _a = 1; private _b = 2; private _c = 3; private _d = 4;
// 0.0235 ms

<code>[[getPosATL]] [[player]]
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} isNil ===
//0.0015 ms</code>

<code>[[visiblePositionASL]] [[player]]
//0.0014 ms</code>
isNil "varName"; // 0.0007 ms
isNil { varName }; // 0.0012 ms

<code>[[visiblePosition]] [[player]]
=== {{Colorball|red|0.9}} isEqualType and typeName ===
//0.0048 ms</code>

<code>[[getPos]] [[player]]
[[isEqualType]] is much faster than [[typeName]]
[[position]] [[player]]
"string" isEqualType 33; // 0.0006 ms
//0.005 ms</code>
typeName "string" == typeName 33; // 0.0018 ms

====Config path delimiter====
=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} isEqualTo and count ===
''>>'' is slightly faster than ''/'' when used in config path with [[configFile]] or [[missionConfigFile]], i.e.
<code>[[configFile]] >> "CfgVehicles"
//0.0019 ms</code>
is faster than
//0.0023 ms</code>
====Reusing configs====

The delimiter [[config_greater_greater_name|>>]] (or /) is just a script command with 2 arguments <tt>arg1 >> arg2</tt>, so when one constructs config path, he just chains several commands so that the result of one command becomes argument for another. Therefore when repeated request to config is required, it makes sense to store the closest [[Config]] result in a variable for performance.
<code>_cfgCar = [[configFile]] >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Car";
// with a items array
_access = _cfgCar >> "access";
allUnits isEqualTo []; // 0.0040 ms
_type = _cfgCar >> "type";
count allUnits == 0; // 0.0043 ms

====nearEntities vs nearestObjects====
=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} select and param ===
* [[nearEntities]] is much faster than [[nearestObjects]] given on range and amount of object(s) which are within the given range.
If a range was set to more thean 100 meters it is highly recommend to use [[nearEntities]] instead of [[nearestObjects]].

Note: [[nearEntities]] only searches for objects which are alive.
Killed units, destroyed vehicles, static objects and buildings will be ignored by the [[nearEntities]] command.
[1,2,3] select 0; // 0.0008 ms
[1,2,3] param [0]; // 0.0011 ms

====forEach vs count====
=== {{Colorball|red|0.9}} createSimpleObject vs createVehicle ===
* Both commands will step through supplied array of elements one by one and both commands will contain reference to current element in ''_x'' variable. However, [[count]] loop is a little faster than [[forEach]] loop, but it does not have ''_forEachIndex'' variable and the code inside [[count]] expects [[Boolean]] or [[Nothing]] while it returns [[Number]].

<code>{[[diag_log]] _x} [[count]] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
//is faster than
// createSimpleObject is over 43× faster than createVehicle!
{[[diag_log]] _x} [[forEach]] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];</code>
deleteVehicle createSimpleObject ["a3\structures_f_mark\vr\shapes\vr_shape_01_cube_1m_f.p3d", [0,0,0]]; // ~0.08 ms
deleteVehicle createSimpleObject ["Land_VR_Shape_01_cube_1m_F", [0,0,0]]; // ~3.2 ms
deleteVehicle createVehicle ["Land_VR_Shape_01_cube_1m_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; // ~2.7 ms
deleteVehicle createVehicle ["Land_VR_Shape_01_cube_1m_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; // ~78 ms

<code>_someoneIsNear = {_x [[distance]] [0,0,0] < 1000} [[count]] [[allUnits]] > 0;
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} objectParent and vehicle ===
//is still faster than
_someoneIsNear = {
if (_x [[distance]] [0,0,0] < 1000) [[exitWith]] {[[true]]};
isNull objectParent player; // 0.0013 ms
vehicle player == player; // 0.0022 ms
} [[forEach]] [[allUnits]];
[[File:nearEntities vs nearestObjects.png|thumb|150px|right|nearEntities vs nearestObjects]]
=== {{Colorball|red|0.9}} nearEntities and nearestObjects ===
[[nearEntities]] is much faster than [[nearestObjects]] given on range and amount of objects within the given range.
If range is over 100 meters it is highly recommended to use [[nearEntities]] over [[nearestObjects]].
// tested with a NATO rifle squad amongst solar power plant panels on Altis at coordinates [20762,15837]
getPosATL player nearEntities [["Man"], 50]; // 0.0075 ms
nearestObjects [getPosATL player, ["Man"], 50]; // 0.0145 ms

====Filtering array with select {}====
{{Feature|important|[[nearEntities]] only searches for [[alive]] objects and on-foot soldiers.<br>
If you want to filter an array, you can loop trough it with forEach/Count and use If (condition) inside OR use select {}.
In-vehicle units, killed units, destroyed vehicles, static objects and buildings will be ignored.}}

In this example,the testArray is filled with numbers from 0 to 1000 and in this our filter condition is to be an even number.
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} Global Variables vs Local Variables ===
result = [];
[[if]] (_x % 2 [[==]] 0) [[then]]
result [[pushBack]] _x;
} [[forEach]] testArray;
'''//2.57 ms'''

result = (testArray [[select]] {_x % 2 [[==]] 0});
If you need to use global variable repeatedly in a loop, copy its value to local variable and use local variable instead:
'''//1.55 ms'''

So if you would like - for example - add these even numbers up:
SomeGlobalVariable = [123];
result = 0;  
for "_i" from 1 to 100 do
[[if]] (_x % 2 [[==]] 0) [[then]]
SomeGlobalVariable select 0;
result = result + _x;  
// 0.13 ms
} [[forEach]] testArray;
'''//2.79 ms'''

result = 0;
is noticeably slower than
result = result + _x;
} [[forEach]] (testArray [[select]] {_x % 2 [[==]] 0});
'''//2.44 ms'''

Filtering your base array with select {} will be faster.
SomeGlobalVariable = [123];
private _var = SomeGlobalVariable;
for "_i" from 1 to 100 do
_var select 0;
// 0.08 ms

====for [] vs for "_i" ====
=== {{Colorball|green|0.9}} Config path delimiter ===
* One may think that "for [] do" is faster than "for "_i" from 1 to 10 step 1 do" because less keywords are used.
But the opposite is true.
<code>for [{_x= 1},{_x <= 10},{_x = _x + 1}] do {true};
//0.0532 ms
for "_i" from 1 to 10 step 1 do {true};
//0.015 ms</code>

====format vs +====
{{hl|[[config greater greater name|>>]]}} is slightly faster than {{hl|[[a / b|/]]}} when used in config path with [[configFile]] or [[missionConfigFile]].
* when adding more than two strings, [[format]] is faster than +.
Adding 3 strings:
configFile >> "CfgVehicles"; // 0.0019 ms
<code>a = [[format]] ["Hi, my name is %1%2","bob, what's yours","?"]
configFile / "CfgVehicles"; // 0.0023 ms
//0.004 ms
a = "Hi, my name is " + "bob, what's yours" + "?"
{{Feature|informative|A config path can be stored in a variable for later use, saving CPU time: <sqf inline>_cfgVehicles = configFile >> "CfgVehicles"</sqf>.}}
//0.0043 ms</code>
Adding 2 strings:
<code>a = format ["Hi, my name is %1","bob, what's yours?"]
//0.0038 ms
a =  "Hi, my name is " + "bob, what's yours?"
//0.0035 ms</code>

====Adding large strings together====
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} getPos* and setPos* ===

For small strings a = a + b works fine, however the bigger the string gets the slower this becomes:
getPosWorld // 0.0015 ms
getPosASL // 0.0016 ms
getPosATL // 0.0016 ms
getPosASLW // 0.0023 ms
getPos // 0.0030-0.0300 ms; performance depends on where this command is used - see its documentation
position // same as getPos
getPosVisual // same as getPos
visiblePosition // same as getPos

<code>s = ""; [[for]] "_i" [[from]] 1 [[to]] 10000 [[do]] {s = s + "123"}; //30000 chars @ 290ms</code>
setPosWorld // 0.0060 ms
setPosASL // 0.0060 ms
setPosATL // 0.0060 ms
setPos // 0.0063 ms
setPosASLW // 0.0068 ms
setVehiclePosition // 0.0077 ms with "CAN_COLLIDE"
// 0.0390 ms with "NONE"

The solution is to use array to make string and then convert array to string:
=== {{Colorball|orange|0.9}} toLower/toUpper vs toLowerANSI/toUpperANSI ===

<code>s = []; [[for]] "_i" [[from]] 1 [[to]] 10000 [[do]] {s [[pushBack]] "123"}; s = s [[joinString]] ""; //30000 chars @ 30ms</code>
// _myString is a 100 chars "aAaAaA(…)" string
toLowerANSI _myString; // 0.0006 ms
toLower _myString; // 0.0016 ms

====select vs if====
toUpperANSI _myString; // 0.0006 ms
* when selecting between two variables, [[select]] is faster than using an [[if]] statement.
toUpper _myString; // 0.0016 ms
<code>a = "You're " + (["a loser","awesome!"] [[select]] [[true]])
//0.0046 ms

a = "You're " + ([[if]] [[true]] [[then]] [{"awesome!"},{"a loser"}])
//0.0054 ms</code>

====Checking if unit is on foot====
== Equivalent Data Structures Performance ==

<code>[[isNull]] [[objectParent]] [[player]]
=== Key-Value Data Structures ===
//0.0013 ms</code>

is a little faster than traditional
private _hashMap = createHashMapFromArray [["id", 123], ["name", "player name"], ["unit", player]]; // since Arma 3 v2.02
private _goodFormat = [["id", "name", "unit"], [123, "player name", player]];
private _slowFormat = [["id", 123], ["name", "player name"], ["unit", player]];

<code>[[vehicle]] [[player]] == [[player]]
//0.0022 ms</code>
private _name = _hashMap get "name"; // 0.0018ms

// this takes 0.0038ms:
createVehicle(Local) position is not exact so you must use setPos but this is very slow, to create the object on [0,0,0] and then set the position is faster.
private _index = _goodFormat select 0 find "name"; // loop in engine
private _name = _goodFormat select 1 select _index;

<code>_obj = 'Land_Stone_4m_F' createVehicle [0,0,0]; //also createVehicleLocal
// this takes 0.0116ms:
_obj setPos (getPos player); //0,03ms (100 testcycles)</code>
private _index = _slowFormat findIf { _x select 0 == "name" }; // loop in script
private _name = _slowFormat select _index select 1;

is 200 times faster than...
{{Feature|informative|[[:Category:Function Group: Database|Database Functions]] use a slow format.}}

<code>_obj = 'Land_Stone_4m_F' createVehicle (getPos player); //also createVehicleLocal
_obj setPos (getPos player); //5,9ms (100 testcycles)</code>

====createSimpleObject vs createVehicle====
== Conversion From Earlier Versions ==
[[createSimpleObject]] is over 43x faster than [[createVehicle]]!
<code>createVehicle ["Land_VR_Shape_01_cube_1m_F",[0,0,0],[],0,"none"];// ~3.5 ms</code>
<code>createSimpleObject ["a3\structures_f_mark\vr\shapes\vr_shape_01_cube_1m_f.p3d",[0,0,0]];// ~0.08 ms</code>

==== private ["_var"] vs private _var ====
Each iteration of Bohemia games ({{ofp}}, {{arma1}}, {{arma2}}, {{tkoh}}, {{arma3}}) brought their own new commands, especially {{arma2}} and {{arma3}}.<br>
<code>private ["_a", "_b", "_c", "_d"];
For that, if you are converting scripts from older versions of the engine, the following aspects should be reviewed.
_a = 1; _b = 2; _c = 3; _d = 4;
// 0.0040 ms</code>

is slower than
=== Loops ===

<code>private _a = 1; private _b = 2; private _c = 3; private _d = 4;
* [[forEach]] loops, depending on the situation, can be replaced by:
// 0.0023 ms</code>
** [[apply]]
** [[count]]
** [[findIf]]
** [[select]]

=== Array Operations ===

<code>private ["_a", "_b", "_c", "_d"];
* '''Adding an item:''' <sqf inline>myArray + [element]</sqf> and <sqf inline>myArray set [count myArray, element]</sqf> have been replaced by [[pushBack]]
for "_i" from 1 to 100 do
* '''Selecting a random item:''' [[BIS_fnc_selectRandom]] has been replaced by [[selectRandom]]
* '''Removing items:''' <sqf inline>myArray set [1, objNull]; myArray - [objNull]</sqf> has been replaced by [[deleteAt]] and [[deleteRange]]
* '''Concatenating:''' <sqf inline>myArray = myArray + [element]</sqf> has been ''reinforced'' with [[append]]: if you don't need the original array to be modified, use [[+]]
* '''Comparing:''' use [[isEqualTo]] instead of [[BIS_fnc_areEqual]]
* '''Finding common items:''' [[in]] [[forEach]] loop has been replaced by [[arrayIntersect]]
* '''Condition filtering:''' [[forEach]] can be replaced by [[select]] (alternative syntax)
<sqf>result = (arrayOfNumbers select { _x % 2 == 0 }); // 1.55 ms</sqf>
result = [];
_a = 1; _b = 2; _c = 3; _d = 4;
if (_x % 2 == 0) then { result pushBack _x; };
} forEach arrayOfNumbers; // 2.57 ms
// 0.146327 ms</code>
=== Vector Operations ===
* [[BIS_fnc_vectorMultiply]] has been replaced by [[vectorMultiply]] (at least 6x faster)
* [[BIS_fnc_vectorDivide]] too, to an extent (see [[BIS_fnc_vectorDivide|its page]] for more information)
private _vector = [102, 687, 1543];
private _factor = 53;
_vector vectorMultiply _factor; // 0.0028 ms
[_vector, _factor] call BIS_fnc_vectorMultiply; // 0.0145 ms
_vector vectorMultiply (1 / _factor); // 0.003 ms - but beware of 0 divisor
[_vector, _factor] call BIS_fnc_vectorDivide; // 0.017 ms
=== String Operations ===
[[String]] manipulation has been simplified with the following commands:
* alternative syntax for [[select]]: <sqf inline>string select index</sqf>
* [[toArray]] and [[toString]] have been ''reinforced'' with [[splitString]] and [[joinString]]

is faster than
=== Number Operations ===

<code>for "_i" from 1 to 100 do
* [[BIS_fnc_linearConversion]] has been replaced by [[linearConversion]]. The command is '''9 times faster'''.
* [[BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted]] has been replaced by [[selectRandomWeighted]]. The command is '''7 times faster'''.
private _a = 1; private _b = 2; private _c = 3; private _d = 4;
// 0.186776 ms</code>

Which is because in the first example the variables are only created/deleted once and changed often. Where in the second example they are created, assigned and deleted in each execution of the loop body.
=== Type Comparison ===

== Resolve any script errors ==
* [[typeName]] has been more than ''reinforced'' with [[isEqualType]].

If command is throwing an error because of incorrect or illegal input, it will write this into .rpt file regardless of whether or not ''-showScriptErrors'' is enabled. Many mission makers choose to disable onscreen errors, however this may degrade game performance significantly if errors are not dealt with. Compare the following:
=== Multiplayer ===
<code>[[systemChat]] "123"; // execution time ~0.00271ms
[[systemChat]] 123; // obvious type error, execution time ~0.172206ms, 63 times slower!</code>

==How to test and gain this information yourself?==
* [[BIS_fnc_MP]] has been replaced by [[remoteExec]] and [[remoteExecCall]] and internally uses them. Use the engine commands from now on!

There is a few ways to measure the information and run time durations inside ArmA2, mostly using differencing of the time itself. The CBA package includes a function for you to test yourself, however if you are remaining addon free or cannot use this, the following code setup is as effective; and allows different ways to retrieve the information (chat text, rpt file, clipboard)
{{Feature|informative|See also [[Multiplayer Scripting]].}}

=== Parameters ===
_fnc_dump = {
player globalchat str _this;
diag_log str _this;
//copytoclipboard str _this;

_t1 = diag_tickTime;
* [[BIS_fnc_param]] has been replaced by [[param]] and [[params]]. The commands are approximately '''14 times''' faster. Use them!
// ... code to test
(diag_tickTime - _t1) call _fnc_dump;

In ArmA 3 you can simply use in-built library function [[BIS_fnc_codePerformance]], '''now integrated into the debug console''' as the speedometer button.

[[Category: Scripting_Topics ]]
[[Category:Arma Scripting Tutorials]]

Revision as of 05:56, 19 May 2024

This page is about Code Optimisation. For conception optimisation, see Mission Optimisation.

This article will try to be a general guide about improving your code and its performance.

  • The first part (Rules) will focus on having a clean, readable and maintainable code.
  • The second part (Code optimisation) is about improving performance, sometimes trading it against code readability.
  • The third part (Equivalent commands performance) mentions commands that in appearance have identical effects but may differ in terms of performance according to the use you may have of them.
  • The fourth part (Conversion from earlier versions) is a hopefully helpful, short guide about useful new commands or syntaxes to replace the old ways.


In the domain of development, any rule is a rule of thumb. If a rule states for example that it is better that a line of code doesn't go over 80 characters, it doesn't mean that any line must not go over 80 characters; sometimes, the situation needs it. If you have a good structure, do not change your code to enforce a single arbitrary rule. If you break many of them, you may have to change something. Again, this is according to your judgement.

With that being said, here are the three basic rules to get yourself in the clear:

  1. Make it work
  2. Make it readable
  3. Optimise then

Make It Work

« Premature optimization is the root of all evil. » – Donald Knuth

Your first goal when coding is to make your code do what you want it does. A good way to reach this objective is to read and getting inspired by other people's code. If you understand it by reading it once, it is probably a good source of inspiration.

  • When starting from scratch if you know what you want but miss the specific steps to get to your point, it is a good practice to write down in your native language what you want to do. E.g Get all the units near the city, and for each west soldier in them, add 30% damage.
  • Use -showScriptErrors startup parameter and make sure your code doesn't throw errors. Not only will your code run slower but it may also not work at all. Be sure to read the error, isolate the issue and sort it out thanks to this Wiki.
  • Read your Arma RPT (report) to read more details about the error that happened in your code.

Make It Readable

Whether you are cleaning your code or a different person's, you must understand the code without twisting your brain:

  • While SQF is (non-noticeably) impacted by variable name length, this should not take precedence on the fact that code must be readable by a human being. Variables like _u instead of _uniform should not be present.
  • One-lining (putting everything in one statement) memory improvement is most of the time not worth the headache it gives when trying to read it. Don't overuse it.
  • Indentation is important for the human mind, and space is too. Space is free, use it.
  • Same goes for line return; it helps to see a code block wrapping multiple common instructions instead of having to guess where it starts and stops.
  • Do you see the same code multiple times, only with different parameters? Now is the time to write a function!
  • If you have a lot of if..else, you may want to look at a switch condition, or again break your code in smaller functions.
  • Is your function code far too long? Break it in understandable-sized bites for your own sanity.
  • Finally, camel-casing (namingLikeThis) your variables will naturally make the code more readable, especially for long names.
See Code Best Practices for more information.

See the following code:

_w=[]; {_w pushbackunique primaryweapon _x} foreach((allunits+alldeadmen) select{_x call BIS_fnc_objectside==east});

The same example is far more readable with proper spacing, good variable names and intermediate results:

_weaponNames = [];
_allUnitsAliveAndDead = allUnits + allDeadMen;
_allEastAliveAndDead = _allUnitsAliveAndDead select { _x call BIS_fnc_objectSide == east };
{ _weaponNames pushBackUnique primaryWeapon _x } forEach _allEastAliveAndDead;


Using a hard-coded constant more than once? Use preprocessor directives rather than storing it in memory or cluttering your code with numbers. Such as:

a = _x + 1.053; b = _y + 1.053;


_buffer = 1.053; a = _x + _buffer; b = _y + _buffer;


#define BUFFER 1.053 // note: no semicolon _a = _x + BUFFER; _b = _y + BUFFER;

Using the #define macro only works within the current SQF file. Such definition will not propagate anywhere else.

Global "constants" can be defined via a Description.ext declaration, though, and accessed using getMissionConfigValue command:

Declaration in Description.ext:

var1 = 123;
var2 = "123";
var3[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
rand = __EVAL(random 999);

Usage in code:

hint str getMissionConfigValue "var1"; // 123 // 0.0007 ms hint str getMissionConfigValue "var2"; // "123" // 0.0008 ms hint str getMissionConfigValue "var3"; // [1,2,3] // 0.0017 ms hint str getMissionConfigValue "rand"; // constant random, for example 935.038 // 0.0007 ms

The getMissionConfigValue command searching Description.ext from top to bottom, it is better for a matter of performance to put all your definitions at the top of the file.

Optimise Then

Once you know what is what, you can understand your code better.

  • Use private variables instead of global variables (preceded by an underscore) as much as possible.
  • You were iterating multiple times on the same array?
    • You should be able to spot your issue now.
  • Are you using execVM on the same file, many times?
  • Is your variable name far too long?

Code Optimisation

Please note: Tests and benchmarks were done with the latest Arma 3 version at the time Arma 3 logo black.png1.82 with Tank DLC. Game engine performance may have changed since.
Benchmark result in milliseconds (ms) is an average for 10000 iterations.
means you must change your ways today, or with us you will ride…
means you may want to look at it if you are targeting pure performance
means the gain is little to insignificant. Going through your code for this replacement is not worth it. You may only consider it for future code.

Scheduled and Unscheduled Environment

There are two code environment types, scheduled and unscheduled.

  • A scheduled script has an execution time limit of 3 ms before being suspended to the benefit of another script until its turn comes back. It is a bit slower than unscheduled, but suspending (sleep, waitUntil) is allowed.
  • An unscheduled script is not watched and will run without limitations. It is recommended for time-critical scripts, but suspending (sleep, waitUntil) is not allowed!
See Scheduler for more information.

Variable Assignment

private _myVar = [33, 66] select false; // 0.0013 ms private _myVar = if (false) then { 33; } else { 66; }; // 0.0020 ms private "_myVar"; if (false) then { _myVar = 33; } else { _myVar = 66; }; // 0.0025 ms

Lazy Evaluation

In SQF the following code will evaluate every single condition, even if one fails:

if (a && b && c) then {};

Even if a returns false (and thus the entire Boolean expression can no longer become true), b and c will still be executed and evaluated regardless.

To avoid this behaviour, one can either imbricate if statements or use lazy evaluation. The latter is done like so:

if (a && { b && { c } }) then {};

In the example above, condition evaluation stops once any condition evaluates to false.

Influence on Semantics

Depending on the arrangement of the curly brackets, lazy evaluation can change the precedence (and therefore the semantics) of a condition. Consider this example:

Expression Condition Value Evaluated Conditions Result
a b c
a && b || c
false any Boolean true a, b, c true
a && {b} || {c}
a, c true
a && {b || {c}}
a false


Using lazy evaluation is not always the best way as it can both speed up and slow down the code, depending on the current condition being evaluated:

["true || { false || {false}}", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00080 ms ["true || {false} || {false} ", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00105 ms ["false || false || false ", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00123 ms ["true || false || false ", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00128 ms ["false || {false} || {false} ", nil, 100000] call BIS_fnc_codePerformance; // 0.00200 ms

Concatenating Strings

myString = myString + otherString works fine for small strings, however the bigger the string gets the slower the operation becomes:

myString = ""; for "_i" from 1 to 10000 do { myString = myString + "123" }; // 290 ms

The solution is to use a string array that you will concatenate later:

strings = []; for "_i" from 1 to 10000 do { strings pushBack "123" }; strings = strings joinString ""; // 30 ms

Array Manipulation

Add Elements

New commands append and pushBack hold the best score.

_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array append [4,5,6]; // 0.0020 ms _array = [0,1,2,3]; _array = _array + [4,5,6]; // 0.0023 ms _array = [0,1,2,3]; { _array set [count _array, _x]; } forEach [4,5,6]; // 0.0080 ms

_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array pushBack 4; // 0.0016 ms _array = [0,1,2,3]; _array = _array + [4]; // 0.0021 ms _array = [0,1,2,3]; _array set [count _array, _x]; // 0.0022 ms

Iterate Elements

for is twice as fast as forEach and is recommended if _x is not required.

private _array = allUnits; // 64 units 256 units // if the amount of loops is known for "_i" from 0 to 63 do {}; // 0.0120 ms 0.0460 ms for "_i" from 0 to count _array -1 do {}; // 0.0170 ms 0.0480 ms for "_i" from 0 to count _array -1 do { private _x = _array select _i }; // 0.0500 ms 0.1896 ms < for "_i" from 0 to count _array -1 do { private _x = array select _i; _x setDamage 0 }; // 0.107 ms 0.39 ms {} forEach _array; // 0.0250 ms 0.098 ms { _x setDamage 0 } forEach _array; // 0.0770 ms 0.312 ms _array apply {}; // 0.0250 ms 0.098 ms _array apply { _x setDamage 0 }; // 0.0770 ms 0.312 ms private _i = 0; while { _i < 64 } do { _i = _i + 1; }; // 0.048 ms 0.200 ms // counts array every loop private _i = 0; while { _i < count _array } do { _i = _i + 1; }; // 0.062 ms 0.247 ms private _i = 0; while { _i < 64 } do { private _x = _array select _i; _i = _i + 1; }; // 0.086 ms 0.42 ms

Remove Elements

_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array deleteAt 0; // 0.0015 ms _array = [0,1,2,3]; _array set [0, objNull]; _array = _array - [objNull]; // 0.0038 ms

_array = [0,1,2,3]; _array deleteRange [1, 2]; // 0.0018 ms _array = [0,1,2,3]; { _array set [_x, objNull] } forEach [1,2]; _array = _array - [objNull]; // 0.0078 ms

Multiplayer Recommendations

  • Do not saturate the network with information: publicVariable or public setVariable shouldn't be used at high frequency, else everyone's performance experience is at risk!
  • The server is supposed to have a good CPU and a lot of memory, use it: store functions, run them from it, send only the result to the clients
  • publicVariable and setVariable variable name length impacts network, be sure to send well-named, understandable variables
    (and not playerNameBecauseThePlayerIsImportantAndWeNeedToKnowWhoTheyAreAllTheTimeEspeciallyInsideThisImpressiveFunction)
  • Use, use and use remoteExec & remoteExecCall. Ditch BIS_fnc_MP for good!
See Multiplayer Scripting for more information.

Equivalent Commands Performance


call without arguments is faster than call with arguments:

call {}; // 0.0007 ms 123 call {}; // 0.0013 ms

Since the variables defined in the parent scope will be available in the called child scope, it could be possible to speed up the code by avoiding passing arguments all together, for example writing:

player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { call my_fnc_damage }];

instead of:

player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _this call my_fnc_damage }];

execVM and call

Using execVM multiple times make the game read the file and recompile it every time.
If you use the script more than once, store its code in a variable or better, make it a Function!

// myFile.sqf is an EMPTY file private _myFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // compile time is done only once call _myFunction; // 0.0009 ms execVM "myFile.sqf"; // 0.275 ms // myFile.sqf is BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenu private _myFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // compile time is done only once ["close"] call _myFunction; // 0.0056 ms ["close"] execVM "myFile.sqf"; // 0.506 ms

loadFile, preprocessFile and preprocessFileLineNumbers

// myFile.sqf is an empty file loadFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.219 ms preprocessFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.353 ms preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // 0.355 ms

// myFile.sqf is BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenu loadFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.3516 ms preprocessFile "myFile.sqf"; // 2.75 ms preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // 2.73 ms

// myFile.sqf is a missing file loadFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.692 ms preprocessFile "myFile.sqf"; // 0.6225 ms preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFile.sqf"; // 0.6225 ms

The comparison of loadFile with preprocessFile* is not exactly fair as loadFile doesn't preprocess the file's content.
On the other hand, the loaded file cannot contain any //  or /* */ comments nor any preprocessor instructions (including debug information like line numbers or file information).


if (condition) then { /* thenCode */ }; // 0.0011 ms if (condition) exitWith { /* exitCode */ }; // 0.0014 ms if (condition) then { /* thenCode */ } else { /* elseCode */ }; // 0.0015 ms if (condition) then [{ /* thenCode */ }, { /* elseCode */ }]; // 0.0016 ms

if and select

Use [array] select boolean instead of the lazy-evaluated if.

_result = ["false result", "true result"] select true; // 0.0011 ms _result = if (true) then { "true result"; } else { "false result"; }; // 0.0017 ms

if and switch

_result = call { if (false) exitWith {}; if (false) exitWith {}; if (true) exitWith {}; if (false) exitWith {}; if (false) exitWith {}; }; // 0.0032 ms

_result = switch (true) do { case (false): {}; case (false): {}; case (true) : {}; case (false): {}; case (false): {}; }; // 0.0047 ms

if else and switch

_mode = "killed"; switch _mode do { case "init": {}; case "killed": {}; case "respawned": {}; }; // 0.0019 ms

_mode = "killed"; if (_mode == "init") then {} else { if (_mode == "killed") then {} else { if (_mode == "respawned") then {}; }; }; // 0.0019 ms

in vs find

// String search "bar" in "foobar" // 0.0008 ms "foobar" find "bar" > -1 // 0.0012 ms

// array search - case-sensitive "bar" in ["foo", "Bar", "bar", "BAR"]; // 0.0012 ms ["foo", "Bar", "bar", "BAR"] find "bar" > -1; // 0.0016 ms


The is twice as fast as its alternative syntax,

for "_i" from 0 to 10 do { /* forCode */ }; // 0.015 ms for [{ _i = 0 }, { _i < 100 }, { _i = _i + 1 }] do { /* forCode */ }; // 0.030 ms

forEach vs count vs findIf

Both forEach and count commands will step through all the array elements and both commands will contain reference to current element with the _x variable. However, count loop is a little faster than forEach loop, but it does not benefit from the _forEachIndex variable.
Also, there is a limitation as the code inside count expects Boolean or Nothing while the command itself returns Number. This limitation is very important if you try to replace your forEach by count. If you have to add an extra true/false/nil at the end to make count work, it will be slower than the forEach equivalent.

{ diag_log _x } count [1,2,3,4,5]; // 0.082 ms { diag_log _x } forEach [1,2,3,4,5]; // 0.083 ms

// with an empty array _someoneIsNear = (allUnits findIf { _x distance [0,0,0] < 1000 }) != -1; // 0.0046 ms _someoneIsNear = { _x distance [0,0,0] < 1000 } count allUnits > 0; // 0.0047 ms < _someoneIsNear = { if (_x distance [0,0,0] < 1000) exitWith { true }; false } forEach allUnits; // 0.0060 ms

// with a 30 items array _someoneIsNear = (allUnits findIf { _x distance [0,0,0] < 1000 }) != -1; // 0.0275 ms _someoneIsNear = { _x distance [0,0,0] < 1000 } count allUnits > 0; // 0.0645 ms < _someoneIsNear = { if (_x distance [0,0,0] < 1000) exitWith { true }; false } forEach allUnits; // 0.0390 ms


findIf stops array iteration as soon as the condition is met.

[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] findIf { _x == 2 }; // 0.0050 ms { if (_x == 2) exitWith { _forEachIndex; }; } forEach [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; // 0.0078 ms _quantity = { _x == 2 } count [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; // 0.0114 ms

format vs str

str 33; // 0.0016 ms format ["%1", 33]; // 0.0022 ms

+ vs format vs joinString

non-String data:

[33, 45, 78] joinString ""; // 0.0052 ms - no length limit format ["%1%2%3", 33, 45, 78]; // 0.0054 ms - limited to ~8Kb str 33 + str 45 + str 78; // 0.0059 ms - no length limit

String data:

["str1", "str2", "str3"] joinString ""; // 0.0015 ms - no length limit format ["%1%2%3", "str1", "str2", "str3"]; // 0.0015 ms - limited to ~8Kb "str1" + "str2" + "str3"; // 0.0012 ms - no length limit


Direct declaration (private _var = value) is faster than declaring then assigning the variable.

private _a = 1; private _b = 2; private _c = 3; private _d = 4; // 0.0023 ms

private ["_a", "_b", "_c", "_d"]; _a = 1; _b = 2; _c = 3; _d = 4; // 0.0040 ms

However, if you have to reuse the same variable in a loop, external declaration is faster.
The reason behind this is that a declaration in the loop will create, assign and delete the variable in each loop.
An external declaration creates the variable only once and the loop only assigns the value.

private ["_a", "_b", "_c", "_d"]; for "_i" from 1 to 10 do { _a = 1; _b = 2; _c = 3; _d = 4; }; // 0.0195 ms

for "_i" from 1 to 10 do { private _a = 1; private _b = 2; private _c = 3; private _d = 4; }; // 0.0235 ms


isNil "varName"; // 0.0007 ms isNil { varName }; // 0.0012 ms

isEqualType and typeName

isEqualType is much faster than typeName

"string" isEqualType 33; // 0.0006 ms typeName "string" == typeName 33; // 0.0018 ms

isEqualTo and count

// with a items array allUnits isEqualTo []; // 0.0040 ms count allUnits == 0; // 0.0043 ms

select and param

[1,2,3] select 0; // 0.0008 ms [1,2,3] param [0]; // 0.0011 ms

createSimpleObject vs createVehicle

// createSimpleObject is over 43× faster than createVehicle! deleteVehicle createSimpleObject ["a3\structures_f_mark\vr\shapes\vr_shape_01_cube_1m_f.p3d", [0,0,0]]; // ~0.08 ms deleteVehicle createSimpleObject ["Land_VR_Shape_01_cube_1m_F", [0,0,0]]; // ~3.2 ms deleteVehicle createVehicle ["Land_VR_Shape_01_cube_1m_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; // ~2.7 ms deleteVehicle createVehicle ["Land_VR_Shape_01_cube_1m_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; // ~78 ms

objectParent and vehicle

isNull objectParent player; // 0.0013 ms vehicle player == player; // 0.0022 ms

nearEntities vs nearestObjects

nearEntities and nearestObjects

nearEntities is much faster than nearestObjects given on range and amount of objects within the given range. If range is over 100 meters it is highly recommended to use nearEntities over nearestObjects.

// tested with a NATO rifle squad amongst solar power plant panels on Altis at coordinates [20762,15837] getPosATL player nearEntities [["Man"], 50]; // 0.0075 ms nearestObjects [getPosATL player, ["Man"], 50]; // 0.0145 ms

nearEntities only searches for alive objects and on-foot soldiers.
In-vehicle units, killed units, destroyed vehicles, static objects and buildings will be ignored.

Global Variables vs Local Variables

If you need to use global variable repeatedly in a loop, copy its value to local variable and use local variable instead:

SomeGlobalVariable = [123]; for "_i" from 1 to 100 do { SomeGlobalVariable select 0; }; // 0.13 ms

is noticeably slower than

SomeGlobalVariable = [123]; private _var = SomeGlobalVariable; for "_i" from 1 to 100 do { _var select 0; }; // 0.08 ms

Config path delimiter

>> is slightly faster than / when used in config path with configFile or missionConfigFile.

configFile >> "CfgVehicles"; // 0.0019 ms configFile / "CfgVehicles"; // 0.0023 ms

A config path can be stored in a variable for later use, saving CPU time: _cfgVehicles = configFile >> "CfgVehicles".

getPos* and setPos*

getPosWorld // 0.0015 ms getPosASL // 0.0016 ms getPosATL // 0.0016 ms getPosASLW // 0.0023 ms getPos // 0.0030-0.0300 ms; performance depends on where this command is used - see its documentation position // same as getPos getPosVisual // same as getPos visiblePosition // same as getPos

setPosWorld // 0.0060 ms setPosASL // 0.0060 ms setPosATL // 0.0060 ms setPos // 0.0063 ms setPosASLW // 0.0068 ms setVehiclePosition // 0.0077 ms with "CAN_COLLIDE" // 0.0390 ms with "NONE"

toLower/toUpper vs toLowerANSI/toUpperANSI

// _myString is a 100 chars "aAaAaA(…)" string toLowerANSI _myString; // 0.0006 ms toLower _myString; // 0.0016 ms toUpperANSI _myString; // 0.0006 ms toUpper _myString; // 0.0016 ms

Equivalent Data Structures Performance

Key-Value Data Structures

private _hashMap = createHashMapFromArray [["id", 123], ["name", "player name"], ["unit", player]]; // since Arma 3 v2.02 private _goodFormat = [["id", "name", "unit"], [123, "player name", player]]; private _slowFormat = [["id", 123], ["name", "player name"], ["unit", player]];

private _name = _hashMap get "name"; // 0.0018ms // this takes 0.0038ms: private _index = _goodFormat select 0 find "name"; // loop in engine private _name = _goodFormat select 1 select _index; // this takes 0.0116ms: private _index = _slowFormat findIf { _x select 0 == "name" }; // loop in script private _name = _slowFormat select _index select 1;

Database Functions use a slow format.

Conversion From Earlier Versions

Each iteration of Bohemia games (Operation Flashpoint, Armed Assault, Arma 2, Take On Helicopters, Arma 3) brought their own new commands, especially Arma 2 and Arma 3.
For that, if you are converting scripts from older versions of the engine, the following aspects should be reviewed.


Array Operations

result = (arrayOfNumbers select { _x % 2 == 0 }); // 1.55 ms
result = []; { if (_x % 2 == 0) then { result pushBack _x; }; } forEach arrayOfNumbers; // 2.57 ms

Vector Operations

private _vector = [102, 687, 1543]; private _factor = 53; _vector vectorMultiply _factor; // 0.0028 ms [_vector, _factor] call BIS_fnc_vectorMultiply; // 0.0145 ms _vector vectorMultiply (1 / _factor); // 0.003 ms - but beware of 0 divisor [_vector, _factor] call BIS_fnc_vectorDivide; // 0.017 ms

String Operations

String manipulation has been simplified with the following commands:

Number Operations

Type Comparison

