CfgRemoteExecCommands – Arma 3
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List of all commands which can be remotely executed by BIS_fnc_MP. Can be defined in Config.cpp or in campaign's or mission's Description.ext (only the most local variant is used).
List of Supported Commands
- action
- addAction
- addBackpack
- addCamShake
- addMagazine
- addMagazineCargo
- addMagazines
- addRating
- addVehicle
- addWeapon
- addWeaponCargo
- allowDamage
- allowFleeing
- assignTeam
- clearMagazineCargo
- clearRadio
- clearWeaponCargo
- closeDialog
- commandFire
- commandFollow
- commandGetOut
- commandMove
- commandTarget
- commandWatch
- createDialog
- createLocation
- createMarkerLocal
- createSimpleTask
- cutObj
- cutRsc
- cutText
- deleteGroup
- deleteIdentity
- deleteMarkerLocal
- disableAI
- dissolveTeam
- doFire
- doFollow
- doGetOut
- doMove
- doTarget
- doWatch
- drop
- enableAttack
- enableCopilot
- enableRadio
- endLoadingScreen
- endMission
- engineOn
- fadeMusic
- fadeSound
- fire
- flyInHeight
- forceEnd
- forceMap
- forceWeaponFire
- globalChat
- globalRadio
- groupChat
- groupRadio
- hint
- hintC
- hintCadet
- hintSilent
- land
- leaveVehicle
- lightAttachObject
- lock
- lockCargo
- lockDriver
- lockTurret
- lockWP
- move
- moveInAny
- moveInCargo
- moveInCommander
- moveInDriver
- moveInGunner
- moveInTurret
- orderGetIn
- playAction
- playActionNow
- playMove
- playMoveNow
- playMusic
- playSound
- ppEffectAdjust
- removeAction
- removeAllActions
- removeAllAssignedItems
- removeAllWeapons
- removeBackpack
- removeMagazine
- removeMagazines
- removeMagazinesTurret
- removeMagazineTurret
- removeTeamMember
- removeWeapon
- removeWeaponTurret
- saveGame
- say
- say2D
- say3D
- selectLeader
- selectWeapon
- setAmmo
- setCaptive
- setCollisionLight
- setCurrentWaypoint
- setDate
- setDir
- setFace
- setFatigue
- setFlagSide
- setFlagTexture
- setFog
- setFuel
- setGroupId
- setGusts
- setHit
- setHitPointDamage
- setLeader
- setLightAmbient
- setLightAttenuation
- setLightBrightness
- setLightColor
- setLightDayLight
- setLightFlareMaxDistance
- setLightFlareSize
- setLightIntensity
- setLightUseFlare
- setMarkerBrushLocal
- setMarkerDirLocal
- setMarkerShapeLocal
- setMarkerSizeLocal
- setMarkerTextLocal
- setMarkerTypeLocal
- setMimic
- setName
- setPilotLight
- setPitch
- setPlayerRespawnTime
- setRadioMsg
- setTimeMultiplier
- setTriggerActivation
- setTriggerArea
- setTriggerStatements
- setTriggerText
- setTriggerTimeout
- setTriggerType
- setUnconscious
- setUnitPos
- setUnitPosWeak
- setUserActionText
- setVectorDir
- setVectorDirAndUp
- setVectorUp
- setVehicleAmmo
- setVehicleAmmoDef
- setVehicleArmor
- setVelocity
- setWPPos
- showHUD
- sideRadio
- switchMove
- systemChat
- titleText
- unassignTeam
- unassignVehicle