Scripting Commands by Functionality – Category

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Revision as of 14:32, 21 September 2020 by R3vo (talk | contribs)
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Command Group Description Example Commands Only Available for Number of Commands
Animations Commands used to work with animations. moveTime, animateSource, animate 28
Artillery All commands related to artilleris. commandArtilleryFire, getArtilleryAmmo, inRangeOfArtillery 8
Briefing Objectives, tasks and notes. createSimpleTask, setTaskState, createDiaryRecord 63
Broken Commands Commands that don't work as intended or are not implemented at all - 37
Camera Control Camera functions for intros, outros and cut-scenes. camCreate, camSetDir 67
Config Commands for working with configs. configFile, >>, configProperties 28
Containers Commands related to containers like backpacks and vests. vest, canAdd, backpack 46
Conversations bikb, topics, etc. kbTell, kbWasSaid 8
Custom Panels Commands to handle custom panels infoPanel, setInfoPanel, enableInfoPanelComponent Arma 3 8
Diagnosis (Diag) Commands helpful for diagnosing issues diag_log, diag_fpsMin, diag_deltaTime 0
DLC DLC related commands getDLCs, getObjectDLC, isDLCAvailable Arma 3 11
Dynamic Simulation Commands related to Arma 3 Dynamic Simulation. enableDynamicSimulationSystem, setPos, setDynamicSimulationDistance Arma 3 12
Eden Editor Commands to work with Eden Editor get3DENCamera, add3DENEventHandler, get3DENSelected Arma 3 56
Editor Control Commands related to the game 2 editor (Not implemented) insertEditorObject, updateObjectTree, fromEditor Not available 0
Environment Control the environment like weather, time or date setFog, setRain, date 66
Event Handlers Set, define and use Event Handlers addEventHandler 48
Flags Commands that are used to work with flags setFlagOwner, flagOwner, flagSide 11
Groups Read and set group properties. formation, group, setFormation 50
GUI Control Customize the look of dialogs and menus in the game. buttonAction, ctrlCreate, ctrlSetText 126
High Command Commands for high command. hcAllGroups, onHCGroupSelectionChanged 27
Interaction On-screen messages, dialogs, menus. hint, titleText, showGPS 65
LeaderBoards Leader board related scripting commands. leaderboardDeInit, leaderboardGetRows, leaderboardInit Arma 3 9
Lights Create, enable light sources on vehicles, terrain objects or lightpoints. setLightColor, setPilotLight, enableGunLights 30
Locations Create, define, use and manipulate locations. nearestLocation, createLocation, setSize 31
Map Commands to work with the map forceMap, mapGridPosition 14
Markers Set, define and use markers. createMarker, getMarkerType, setMarkerPos 49
Math Boolean, basic math and trigonometry functions. abs, atan, vectorAdd 40
Mission Information Read and set parameters for the current mission. addRating, forceEnd, score 41
Mods and Addons Commands that are used to get information about mods and addons. configSourceModList, configSourceMod, addonFiles 11
Multiplayer Commands that are specific to Multiplayer games. remoteExec, remoteExecCall, didJIP 79
Object Information Find out things about your troops and other objects. alive, canMove, damage 0
Object Manipulation Create and define troops and other objects. createVehicle, setBehaviour, setDamage 273
Particles Commands for working with particles. drop, particlesQuality 8
Performance Logging Performance debug and logs. diag_captureFrame, logEntities 0
Positions Commands that work with positions. getPos, setPos, position 49
Program Flow Commands to define loops, conditions, and jumps inside scripts. forEach, execVM, for 49
Radio and Chat Control radio and chat availability and messages. enableRadio, systemChat, vehicleRadio 0
Remote Control Manipulate and connect to UAVs or remote control units. unitIsUAV, connectTerminalToUAV, remoteControl 21
Render Time Scope These scripting commands work in render time scope rather than simulation time scope. getDirVisual, getPosVisual, visiblePosition 17
Ropes and Sling Loading Attach and detach ropes to objects, slingload and drop them. enableRopeAttach, getSlingLoad, ropes Arma 3 23
Sensors Commands to work with Arma 3 Sensors setVehicleReceiveRemoteTargets, vehicleReportRemoteTargets Arma 3 18
Sides Read and set unit affiliations. side, friendly, countEnemy 38
RTD Commands related to the Arma 3 Advanced Helicopter Flight Model. collectiveRTD, isObjectRTD, throttleRTD Arma 3, Take On Helicopters 46
Sounds Control in-game sounds. fadeMusic, playSound, say 63
Stamina System Commands related to units stamina and fatigue. See Arma 3 Stamina. getStamina, setStamina Only Arma 3 except for forceWalk and isForcedWalk. 21
Strings Commands to work with strings. in, toLower, toUpper 43
System Commands that deal with the game as a whole. benchmark, saveGame, loadGame 87
Team Switch Everything to do with the Team Switch feature. enableTeamSwitch, onTeamSwitch, teamSwitch 8
Time Commands related to in-game time or system time. systemTimeUTC, accTime, timeMultiplier 15
Triggers Set, define and use Triggers and Event Handlers. createTrigger, setTriggerArea, trigger 33
Turrets Commands which work with turrets. turretLocal, addMagazineTurret, addWeaponTurret 31
Uncategorised Commands which have no defined category - 0
Unit Control Controls the behaviour of your troops. action, doMove, setHideBehind 81
Variables Commands to handle arrays and other variables. setVariable, format, isNull 62
Vectors Commands which work with vectors. vectorAdd, vectorMultiply, vectorUpVisual 0
Vehicle Assignment Vehicle related commands. vehicles, moveInDriver, allowGetIn 0
Vehicle Loadout Arma 3 Vehicle Loadouts related commands. getCompatiblePylonMagazines, getPylonMagazines Arma 3 9
Waypoints Commands to handle waypoints. addWaypoint, setWaypointPosition, deleteWaypoint 63
Weapon Pool The Weapon Pool enables the player to use weapons from one mission in others. addMagazinePool, fillWeaponsFromPool, queryMagazinePool 14
Weapons Weapon related commands. addMagazine, primaryWeapon, weapons 52
Zeus (Curator) Setting up Zeus rules and interface allCurators, assignCurator, curatorAddons Arma 3 44


This category has the following 73 subcategories, out of 73 total.